What Is A Sinus Headache


Many people confuse sinus headaches with one of these other types of headaches – more often than they realize! Sinus headaches are caused by a condition caused sinusitis. If you don’t have sinusitis, you don’t have a sinus headache.

If you’ve ever suffered from a sinus headache, you almost instantly recognize what it is as soon as it starts. You feel congested and stopped up. There is pressure in your head, your cheeks, and in, around, and behind your eyes. You nose often becomes stuffy, and it may even run. Another sinus headache!But is it really a sinus headache? Are you sure? It could actually be a migraine headache, or even a tension headache. Many people confuse sinus headaches with one of these other types of headaches – more often than they realize! Sinus headaches are caused by a condition caused sinusitis. If you don’t have sinusitis, you don’t have a sinus headache.

Sinus headaches usually occur in the morning, upon waking. They typically start with a feeling of pressure in the face and head, and the pain may be more severe when you lean over or lay down. As the sinusitis worsens, the headaches become worse as well. Sinus headaches caused by sinusitis are usually accompanied by a sore throat, fever, a cough, yellow green mucous, and fatigue.

Sinus headaches are usually dull constant aches, whereas migraine headaches are usually described as throbbing pain, accompanied by nausea. Both headaches may make one sensitive to light and sound. Sinusitis can be caused by a variety of things, such as bacterial infections, fungal infections, immune deficiencies, nasal cavity structure problems, allergies, or even simple colds. All of these things cause changes in the pressure in the sinus cavities, which result in headaches.

People who have weak immune systems, allergies, asthma, or other conditions that affect the respiratory system are more apt to suffer from sinusitis, and therefore, sinus headaches. But some people who have none of these conditions may also develop sinusitis as well.

Most people who have frequent sinus headaches don’t bother to consult with their doctors about the problem until it starts interfering in their day-to-day lives. However, If you have pain and swelling in the facial area, a stiff or sore neck, fever greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit, or if the headaches are severe, you should seek medical treatment right away.

Most cases of sinusitis or sinus headaches can be diagnosed simply by telling your doctor your symptoms. He or she may look inside your nose, throat, and ears, and in some cases, a CT scan or an MRI may be ordered. Testing of nasal mucus may also be required to make a diagnosis. For proper treatment of sinus headaches, you do indeed need a diagnosis from a health care professional. Don’t just assume that you have a sinus headache that will go away! The headache may go away, but the sinusitis that caused it will still be there, and the condition may worsen as time passes by.

Antibiotics are usually prescribed for sinusitis, along with over the counter pain relief or prescription medication for the relief of sinus headaches. Your doctor may also prescribe a nasal spray to treat your nasal passages. You should also consider getting sunglasses to help ease the additional pain caused by bright light. For relief without drugs yYou can also try special headache sunglasses designed for headache sufferers.

To prevent sinus headaches, make sure that you avoid sinusitis by using a humidifier, avoiding tobacco smoke and other air pollution, and by washing your hands often. Don’t disregard colds, which often lead to sinusitis. Treat colds immediately, don’t ignore them. Often people don’t consider a cold a serious illness, and it’s really not – but it can lead to more serious illnesses, such as sinusitis, bronchitis, and even pneumonia if it isn’t treated.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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