Kitchen odors are no match for the Rainbow vacuum fragrances and the Thermax vacuum fragrances.
If your kitchen odors are just too much to take at times,
However, not everyone owns a Rainbow vacuum or even a Thermax vacuum because even though they are the two best water based vacuum cleaners on the market they are a bit pricey. This solution in this situation is to just put a few drops of one of these Rainbow fragrances in a pan of simmering water on your kitchen stove for a fresh smelling kitchen. It does the trick every time.Smelly Shoes? Just a few drops on the inside of your shoes will do the trick. Exiee Enterprises suggest the Fresh Linen fragrance for shoes.
Another trick that some people do that seems to produce good results is putting a few drops of a Thermax fragrance directly on light bulbs. It is suggested that the drops be put on only after the bulb has cooled down.To freshen up a bedroom just put a few drops of your favorite fragrance such as Floral Potpourri on a cotton ball or tissue and put it in the corners of a drawer that contains socks or underwear.
Another neat trick is to make your own potpourri by putting a few drops on anything you want. For example, put a 3 or 4 drops of the Gardenia or Magnolia Rainbow fragrance on some pine cones for an outdoor garden smell.
Has your old potpourri lost it fragrance? Don’t throw it away, rejuvenate it with a squirt of Lemon or Vanilla fragrances.For those that have a bag type vacuum cleaner it is very simple to squirt some cotton balls with Cinnamon Spice or Pumpkin Pie and put them in the bag.
For a new car smell put drops of Cherry on cotton balls or flat pieces of cardboard and put them under the front seat.
Another suggestion is to place cotton balls with a couple of drops of the Rainbow vacuum Oil of Eucalyptus with Menthol fragrance in your pillow when you have a bad cold.
It appears that there are many ways to use the Rainbow vacuum and Thermax vacuum fragrances to meet just about any odor challenge a person may find at home.
For further information click on the following link:Rainbow and Thermax Fragrances…http://vacuum-supplies.com/r-frg.html