Vaginal Infections

Vaginal Infections

At these times the best thing that you could do is to see consult your physician, especially if this is the first time you’re experiencing something like it. And in some cases when you have been diagnosed, there’s a good chance that sexual partner should also have a proper check up conducted.

This is due to the fact that since most vaginal infections are sexually transmitted, your partner too has a chance of contracting your infection. As this is the case, it’s always best to rule out any possibility of the infection having passed. This will also allow your partner to receive proper treatment if need be.

You should also be aware that due to the high chances of passing on vaginal infections through sexual intercourse, if you have more than one sexual partner you might have already passed the infection on.

And in the case of vaginal infections it’s always best if you can abstain from sexual relations altogether, and in most cases this entails not only vaginal intercourse, but also anal intercourse, and oral sex.

Of course if you can’t abstain from sexual intercourse, you should always practice safe sexual methods. These won’t necessarily guarantee you, or your partner’s immunity from vaginal infections but it does give you some protection.

To that end you should always use a condom if you suffer from any vaginal infections and you’re having sexual intercourse.

It should also be noted that some vaginal infections can occur or spread more rapidly if a woman if pregnant. This is as a result of the weakened immune system present in every woman during this time in her life.

Vaginal infections also have the potential to cause a difficult birthing process and your obstetrician/ gynecologist should be made aware of any vaginal infections that you may suffer from.

Another factor concerning vaginal infections and pregnancy is the medication used to help clear up the infection. In a great many cases, most of the medications used in the normal course of events can prove to be harmful to the unborn fetus, sometimes resulting early labor or deformity.

All of these factors need to be taken into account when dealing with vaginal infections, and alternative methods discussed. This holds true if you suffer from a different medical condition and are taking medication for that as well.

Your doctor should be informed of this factor so that medication to cure the vaginal infections can be given without causing any reactions with other medications and medical conditions.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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