Understanding The Rapid Obesity Eperdemic


It’s no secret that the obesity eperdemic is spreading like wild fire throughout the world. America has the highest number of obese people in the world and the statistics show that this number is rising every year. These are many programs and studies that have been especially set up to monitor these numbers to try to understand why the number of overweight people increases each year and also to try to find a way to reduce it.

Obviously, the main cause of obesity generally is a lack of exercise and a poor diet in the individual. The rising number of fast food restaurants and junk food outlets combined with the advancement of TV and video games leads many people to have such an unhealthy lifestyle. Childhood obesity is one that is being monitored very closely. If you are a parent then it is your responsibilty to make sure your child is fit and healthy because if you don’t it could lead to many often serious illnesses later in life. Not to mention they may get bullied or name called whilst going through school.

It is vital to get them to do more exercise and eat more healthily. You should give them a set time that they are allowed to watch TV or play on their video games and once this is reached they should go and play outside, maybe a ball sport or even taking the dog for a walk. Whatever gets them to burn off some excess calories can only do them more good than harm. Also cut down the amount of chocolate and crisps they eat and replace them with fruit.

This alone will greatly help to reduce the obesity eperdemic that is spreading throughout the world. It literally costs millions just to deal with the illnesses caused by obesity, so reducing the amount of obese people will greatly cut down how much is being spent by countries and this money can then be used to do more useful things like aid in curing other diseases or aiding with poverty.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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