Treating Boils Naturally

Treating Boils Naturally

A boil is a pus-filled nodule that is a result of a staph bacteria which can result in an infection. It’s actually an abcess that develops in the hair follicles and usually occurs on the neck,Treating Boils Naturally Articles buttocks, face, ears or underarms, but can be located anywhere on the body. A boil can be painful, swollen, red and tender. The boil lies just under the skin as a bump, and later develops into a pustule. The boil can be contagious when the pus draws to the suface and can contaminate nearby skin causing more boils. When the infection spreads in a cluster, it is called a carbuncle. Recurrent boils and abcesses may indicate the immune system is depressed. Poor nutriton, diabetes and illness may be contributing factors for a person who is prone to getting boils.

It’s important to look at the diet and see what’s missing. A good balanced diet should include vegetables, grains, fiber and fruit. It is also wise to include yogurt, kefir, or acidophilus (friendly intestinal flora). Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of pure water daily. You may want to consider going on a short cleanse to rid your body of toxins and to re-balance the body’s Ph. Several herbs have been indicated to help cleanse the blood as well. These are red clover, burdock root, celery, milk thistle and dandelion. Echinacea and goldenseal help cleanse the lymph glands.

To relieve pain and swelling, apply a hot moist cloth over the boil to help soften. Never squeeze the boil as it can cause infection to spread to the bloodstream. Allow the boil to come to a head, then you can lance it with a sterilized needle. Sometimes a boil will drain on its own. When it’s draining, cover with gauze and change the dressing several times a day to avoid spreading to other areas. Keep the infected area clean at all times.

You can apply honey, which is one of the oldest remedies for stubborn oils. It also helps raise the boil to the surface when left on overnight. Bruised fresh cabbage leaves or a raw potato are great for their drawing power. Place directly over the boil and cover with gauze. Aloe vera is a natural antibiotic which may also be used. This can be applied several times throughout the day. Fresh figs can also be used by mashing them up and applying to a warm poultice. This remedy has been shown to pull out infections fast. In health food stores you can find either an ointment or salve containing goldenseal and myrrh. These are also good infection fighters. An old folk remedy indicates using a piece of bread soaked in milk or lemon juice. The area can then be covered with a loose bandage and left on overnight.

If the boil becomes large, and they are recurring, surgical incision and draining may be needed. Consult your physician if the methods above are not working, as antibiotics may be indicated if the infection gets into the bloodstream.

This article is for informational purposes only!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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