Treating and Preventing Acne


Find out how to best treat your acne and keep it from getttng worse.

Acne is a common skin condition that almost everyoneexperiences at some point in their lives.

While it is most common in teens and  young adults,over 80% experience at least some mild form of acne.Most people outgrow their acne by their 20’s, however,some people, especially women can experience outbreaksin their 40’s. 

Acne typically occurs on the face but is known toalso occur on the neck, chest, shoulders or back. Itshows up in the form of pimples, generally knownas whiteheads or blackheads.  Large, deep pimples areknown as cystic lesions. These are painful lesionsin the pores which can lead to scarring.

Elevated hormone levels, typically caused during puberty,simulate sebaceous glands which produces sebum (or oil).Sebum combines with dead skin cells forming a plug in theskin’s pores. Whiteheads and blackheads are cloggedpores. Cystic lesions on the other hand, are when bacteriagrows under the clogged pores with the mixture of sebumand cells.  This mixture can spread  causing inflammation,redness and pus.

Acne TreatmentsWhile there is no cure for acne, there are a number of treatments used to reduce or eliminate outbreaks andhopefully prevent scarring. – Benzoyl peroxide lotions often control mild acne and helpin preventing new outbreaks.  If these treatments do notwork, a doctor can prescribe topical antibiotics to helpkill the bacteria.

– Moderate to severe acne can often be controlled bycombining topical benzoyl peroxide along with oral antibiotics. The combination has an increased effectivenesswhile decreasing the risk of developing bacteria that areresistant to antibiotics.

– Acne with large painful cystic lesions might require aprescription treatment of topical retinoid (vitamin A).

– Recently, light wave therapy which has been federallyapproved, uses a narrow-band, high intensity blue lightto treat mild to moderate acne.  It is primarily used forconditions that have not responded to other treatments.

– Acne Prevention It’s difficult, at best, to prevent acne but there are severalthings you can do at home to keep it from getting worse.

– Gently wash your face every day.  Take care not to scrubtoo hard or use scrubbing materials.  Harsh scrubs can scratchyour pores making acne worse. Also do not wash toooften. Once or twice a day is generally sufficient.

– Avoid excessive sweating.  Sweating can be hard toavoid, however wash soon after participating in activitiesthat cause you to sweat.

– Wash your hair often if you hair is oily. Also try to keepit off your face as much as possible.

– Avoid hair care products such as gels, mousses, creamrinses or hair products that contain lots of oils.  These canactually make your acne worse.

– Use cosmetic products labeled noncomedogenic or oil-free.also avoid shimmering facial colors. These can contain a flakymineral called mica that can cause skin irritations and clogyour pores.

– Use Sunscreens. Always use a sunscreen. The sun is never good for your skin.

– Natural remedies are often great places to start followed bya good, healthy diet. Your skin is your body’s largest organ.If what you eat is good for your body, it will be good for yourskin.

If acne persists and you are plagued by painful cysticlesions, it’s best to consult your physician.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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