Things You Need To Know When Shopping For An Electric Wheelchair

Things You Need To Know When Shopping For An Electric Wheelchair

Electric wheelchairs are specially designed for those people who find it difficult to use manual wheelchairs. Electric wheelchairs don’t need any kind of physical power to be used in order to operate it. The invention of electric wheelchairs has been a blessing for many disabled people, because it considers and addresses the requirements of physically challenged people. With electric wheelchairs the disabled user feels competent to perform daily chores without any outside help. This makes a person feel more confident and helps to lead an independent life.


Electric wheelchairs can be found in various different versions. The manufacturers consider the personal needs of different individuals. That is why they have come up with innumerous variations of electric wheelchairs. The different electric wheelchairs come in various sizes and weight options. This means there is an electric wheelchair for every individual of any height or weight. There are some specific electric wheelchairs that have been specially crafted for obese people and there are some that are designed mainly for the use of children. The options are also available in colors and foot pads and seats.

Individual needs

The options for electric chairs depend on individual needs. There are some disabled people who need to elevate the leg rests in the wheelchairs in order to keep good circulation in the legs. However, others may need an oxygen tank holder to carry oxygen tanks. Whereas there are still others with back sores and ulcers that might need special seating. There are also certain wheelchair accessories that can be additionally used with an electric wheelchair to infuse it with more personalized features.

Major brands

If you venture into the market to find out the various options of electric wheelchairs available, then you will find out that there are only a few companies in this business. For example, the popularly known names in the manufacturing of electric wheelchairs are : Pride Mobility Products Corp., Invacare Corporation and Hoveround companies. These three names are treated as major brands in the market.


Electric wheelchairs provide the user with a fairly good speed and in some cases the user can also use these wheelchairs for sport activities. However, besides the speed and mobility features, there are certain other qualities that need to be looked for while going for any electric wheelchair. One should make sure that the electric wheelchair has been made by a reputable manufacturer and is being supplied by a licensed supplier. It is advisable to check with others too, so that the vendor doesn’t fool you by giving you a second hand product.

With electric wheelchairs, a disabled person enjoys the freedom of movement for years to come.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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