The Right To Die of Cancer


A customer contacted me, having this to say about cancer

Dr. Magne, “Yes, I have downloaded your E-book and wanted to write feedback sooner. (…) I think your cancer-free-for life is the most condensed book filled with useful information healing mind/body/connection i have ever seen. It’s terrific.! I recently told you that my step-sister may have thyroid cancer. Her tests are suspicious and leaning towards cancer. But, from my family members who have talked with her (i’m not close, close) it sounds like she has her mind set on surgery and iodine radiation to kill her thyroid.”

“So, it would not be appropriate for me to force this information on her when her mind is made up. i was told she has been researching and doing her homework before making her decision.”

“I am partial to natural healthcare and remedies myself and will utilize your information a lot. (…) So even if someone has cancer or “dis – ease”, it’s not easy to pass alternative information on to them UNLESS they have the open mind. I think you just know when the time is right.”

“Thank you very much for enlightening my life!!!” Leah A, AZ

This was my response:

Welcome to my world! It’s so difficult to “know” some information, and not be able to pass it on. My father is on his third bout with cancer, he won’t listen to me. My mother, who taught me meditation when I was a kid, bless her heart, is dying in extreme pain of osteoarthritis and claims the pain is too much to allow her to visualize. What can I say? I’ll give you a beautiful analogy a friend of mine shared with me for us ‘helpers’. Of the coast of Brittany, in France, there is a very dangerous whirlpool in the ocean where the most amazing, strongest fish swim. Fishermen go there in powerful boats, knowing full well that if they get caught in the whirlpool, they will die. But they want the thrill and the fish. The CEO of Michelin Europe just died there fishing. My friend is an alcoholic and he explains: “I am in the whirlpool of my own choosing. I know the risks. I make my choice. You can scream to me on the sideline that I am killing myself, that I will die. I know the dangers. You can scream until you’re blue in the face, you cannot change my addiction.”

“But you can hold your hand out and remind me that your hand is always extended. That I can count on you. Then I can go on with my choices, and if one day I change my mind, I trust and know your hand will be there.”

“As a lifeline.”

“And that’s important.”

My dear Leah, It is very hard for us to see our loved one choosing a course that may not benefit them. In our opinion. But it is only our opinion. Who can know the life of another, until we have walked 24 hours in their mocassins.

This is all that we can do: extend our hand.

Live by example that maybe one day, they’ll change their mind. Or not. As you read through my book, Cancer Free For Life you now understand that your step-sister has thyroid cancer for a specific reason. All you can do is keep your hand extended. With love and without judgment, if you can. The judgment bit is a heart break. Petrea King, who lives in Australia and who had Leukeamia at 36, runs workshops and seminars for cancer patients. She wrote -many- books. One title is significant: sometimes hearts have to break. In their dis-ease, our loved ones teach us much. Our hearts break.

Break open. Dr Magne specializes in spontaneous healing of cancer. With 25 years of research, she compiled all her discoveries on the causes and origins and diseases and presented them in her book Cancer Free For Life to help you speed your healing of cancer. Visit www. today for a FREE report on the 10 Ways to Stop Cancer.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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