… A Tablet! I did a home study test on this combination, glucosamine, chondroitin, msm tablet that we had been recommending in our office and I had been using for a couple months with no noticeable results. Hmmm, I wonder why?
I mixed equal parts water and vinegar in a glass and put the tablet in this morning at 9:30 am CST. Now, many doctors, nutritionists, health care providers, etc. will tell you they often see undigested vitamin supplements on x-rays of people’s stomach or colon. And I’m going to confirm that they are right and people are probably wasting millions of dollars per year on this stuff.
Anyway, the test should show the product dissolving within 40 minutes and if it doesn’t it probably is going to go right through your digestive system. Well here is my photo at approximately 5:30 pm CST (8 hours later for you non-mathematic types). Ta Da a full tablet at: http://www.flexeasy.com/image ablet.jpg
And the manufacturers want you take 3 of these per day usually spread out to get the recommended dosage. Are you supposed to start chewing these hard tablets to get the benefits or what?
No wonder I was always hearing back from patients, “Doc, I was taking that glucosamine you recommended but I really didn’t notice anything.”