After years of abuse the body can build up many nasty substances along the lining of the intestines. These substances over time become impacted along the lining of the intestines create a broad range of problems. The main problem that can result from an unclean colon is malnutrition.
Malnutrition occurs when the body can’t absorb nutrients from food. This is mainly a result of years of unhealthy food choices and poor lifestyle decisions. These poor foods include but are definitely not limited to artificial sweeteners, deeply fried foods, most any kind of flour, all sugars, and bad fats.
It’s now said that many people have up to 15 pounds of undigested and impacted fecal matter along the lining of the intestines. As you may or may not know good health starts in the colon and when compromised the result can make you feel terrible. Many people who have serious fatigue have found great relief after cleaning the colon out.
To start you must clean up your diet, this is absolutely essential to your colons revitalization. This means eliminating all sugar from your diet. You should also limit your grains intake like bread and wheat products. Grains create a film of mucous inside your body that you truly don’t need while detoxing your colon. Stick to non-starchy vegetables for your carb intake.
As you start to add more vegetables to your diet the daily recommended 25-30 grams of fiber will be satisfied. However if you aren’t eating enough vegetables then you may want to take a fiber supplement. When taking a fiber supplement make sure you are drinking at least two full glasses of water with the supplement. Fiber expands in your body so you want to make sure you have enough water in your system to absorb the fiber.
Second, add more water to your diet. Water is essential for almost every bodily process and also essential to your colon cleansing efforts. You should drink about half your body weight in ounces of water every day. However, you should definitely listen to your body, if this feels like too much just work up to that amount.
Never force your body to do anything, it’s very important if you feel ill or sick halt the cleansing process until you feel well again.
Additionally some helpful herbs you can research are psyllium husks, flax seed, slippery elm bark, marshmallow root, alfalfa and peppermint leaf. All of these herbs are usually in a quality colon cleansing kit.
If you do choose to go the route of a colon cleansing kit make sure those herbs are included as they will be helpful in repairing the colon.
In the end, cleaning up your diet from sugars and processed food will greatly benefit your health. Because prevention is the biggest key to your health and should be your first choice.