The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life

While doing my meditation exercises using my downloadable meditations, spirit gave me lots of small ideas to put together. The messages I have been given have been spread apart but very easy to place together. I have taken this opportunity to gather them together completely for the first time and offer them to you as simply as I can.

Our journey begins before birth. We decide what lessons we are going to learn on the earth plane, what we are going to go through and what our objectives are.

You see, in spirit, our true home, when we are feeling or experiencing an emotion it takes only a split second. It is simply a thought; but here, on the earth plane, we feel everything so intensely. We experience pain and love, heartbreak and anger with such power it is felt through our organic body and it can last for years.

Once we have decided and agreed on our life path and which lessons we are going to endeavour to fulfill on the earth plane, we are ready for the most traumatic thing that will ever happen to us. WE ARE CONCEIVED. We start our new organic lives squashed into the 8 basics cells of life and then over the months we grow in a dark and wet place without understanding, as all our knowledge of the universe and past lives have been hidden from us in our primal cells of life. We begin a new journey.

Yet we have not got even close to taking the biggest step on the journey! One day, when we are extremely squashed and uncomfortable in our vessel that carries and nurtures us, the vessel begins to squeeze us and push us down a short tunnel. It pushes us over and over again until we explode out of our comfort zone into a cold, bright, noisy environment where we are very afraid and have to learn new things immediately. We need to learn how to breathe.

We have arrived, yet we are helpless and unable to do much. We have to learn it all. We have to learn everything again and over the next 7 years we learn the basics we need to proceed along our long journey. The lessons that we need to learn here on the earth plane are those of emotions and feelings. If we can master the way we deal with emotions and situations on the earth plane, then when we are back in the universe, we have far more understanding of our simplest thoughts and feelings.

So for those of you whose lives have had their ups and downs, (and I know it is all of you) those ups and downs are simply the lessons of life that you need to learn and experience. Don’t think of them as good and bad, but think of them as easy and difficult learning experiences. Remember the more you learn whilst here on the earth plane, the more you are going to give back to the universe and increase your spiritual vibration and universal understanding.

And don’t forget, although some of us will suffer long difficult lessons before we go back to our spirit home, when we pass over back to our normal state of existence in the spirit realms, it only takes a second to go from organically alive back to our spiritual selves.

Hence the meaning of life is to feel and deal with your emotions. What I have learnt from this is to accept my emotions and welcome them, no matter how difficult they may be. There seems to be lots of understanding when you work on your spiritual growth.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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