The Intimidating Relationship Between Stress And Headache

The Intimidating Relationship Between Stress And Headache

Stress and headaches are closely interlinked. The dividing line is so thin that it is difficult to understand whether stress is the cause of the headache or the headache is the cause of stress.

Though there are several over the counter medications, instant relief giving pills for headache, most of them are temporary relief. Nobody knows the real cause of headache, for the simple reason that there are more than one cause and type of headaches. As for stress, the root cause of the stress is also the root cause of headache. If the conditions of stress are removed, the related headache also vanishes.

The reasons for stress could be many, but generally one strong factor overrides all others. But the empowering reasons for headaches are many. The headache could be due to a simple reason or some serious reason. They could be hunger, serious study during the examination, working without intermission far into the night, anxiety over certain issues deeply concerning you, the atmospheric conditions, changing of seasons, abrupt change in the climate and drinking impure water to name a few.

Most of the minor headaches disappear without medication. Due to the peculiar nature of the headache, it is very difficult to locate the reasons for headache in children. Like the elders the children too are stressed for their own reasons.

Stress and headaches are closely interlinked. The dividing line is so thin that it is difficult to understand whether stress is the cause of the headache or the headache is the cause of stress. If stress is the cause of headache, it is futile to take treatment for headache. Even if taken, the results won’t be permanent. The causes of stress will have to be removed first.

Headache can also be due to multiple causes– physical conditions coupled with psychological conditions. To know the root cause of the headache whether it is stress-related or due to any other causes is very important.

The reasons for stress related headaches could be working in a not properly ventilated room, walking or standing in the hot sun for long hours, eye strain due to lots of reading, too much watching of television from the close range and things alike. The modern materialistic civilization throws many more causes for stress related headaches. Traveling in overcrowded railway compartments, waiting for long hours at the air-port due to delayed flights could also be the reason for the headache.

It is better to have a world united than a world divided. But it is better to have a world divided, than a world destroyed, said Mr. Winston Churchill at the time of The Second World War. The relation between headache and stress is somewhat like that!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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