The Dangers of tobacco smoking

The Dangers of tobacco smoking

Tobacco smoking is the primary cause of preventable death in the world. Every year, thousands of Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer that was brought about specifically from smoking. Most smokers are bombarded with reasons to quit smoking every day, and there are hundreds of stop smoking tips, quit smoking aids and quit smoking support groups. However, none of the ways to quit smoking can work for you if you are not ready to give up your habit. Knowing what tobacco smoking does to you can help you make up your mind to begin your trek toward a healthier life.

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Tobacco smoking is perhaps the worst thing you could do to your body. There have been a variety of studies that demonstrate that smoking shortens your life by six minutes for every cigarette you smoke. When you think about this in terms of packs a day, you are shortening your life by two hours for every pack of cigarettes you smoke. That is quite a forgoing to make just for smoking.

A person with some doubt but taking action is better than one with no doubt taking no action. Michael E. Angier

Another argument to quit tobacco smoking is that it is costly. Cigarette prices are always on the rise as more and more sin taxes are added. In states such as New York, one pack of cigarettes can cost more than seven dollars. If you add up all of that money, a pack a day smoker could save more than two thousand dollars a year if he or she quit smoking.

Tobacco smoking persons are also twice as expected to have heart attacks than non-smokers. They are also five times as likely to die from these heart attacks than those who do not smoke or who quit smoking at a youthful age. Tobacco smoking stops circulation in some individuals, and this can lead to stroke. In fact, smokers are five times more likely to suffer strokes than non-smokers. This is noticeably perilous if you are taking birth control pills, as the risk for stroke is even larger, especially if you are over the age of thirty.

The most dangerous part of tobacco smoking, however, is what it can do to your lungs. Smoking is leading cause of lung cancer in the world. Though non-smokers can also get lung cancer, smokers greatly increase their chances beyond those of non-smoking individuals. Smokers are also at risk for formation emphysema, an incurable breathing disease.

Actions speak louder than words. But without thought and focus those actions are like a meandering river. Michael Ross.

Though tobacco smoking causes some irreversible damage, there is good advice for those who decide to quit smoking. It only takes ten years after you stop smoking before you lungs return to normal. This means that if you stop smoking now, you can have a new lease on life within ten years. In summation, the immediate effects of stopping smoking are even more exciting.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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