Test for Chronic Insomnia

Test for Chronic Insomnia

Having poor sleep yesterday doesn’t mean you’re suffering from chronic insomnia yet, especially when you’re only having it once in a blue moon. Here’s a simple test for insomnia to help you see if you’re really having chronic sleep disorder, and what kind of treatments are more suitable for you.

1. How long does it take you to fall asleep after you lie in bed?

a. 30 minutes to 1 hour (1 point)

b. Between 1 and 3 hours (2 points)

c. More than 3 hours (3 points)

d. Totally cannot sleep (5 points)

2. How long does it take you to fall asleep again once you wake up in the middle of the night?

a. 30 minutes to 1 hour (1 point)

b. Between 1 and 3 hours (2 points)

c. More than 3 hours (3 points)

d. Fail to sleep (4 points)

3. How often do you wake up throughout the sleep?

a. 2 times (1 point)

b. 3 to 5 times (2 points)

c. More than 5 times (3 points)

4. Do you snore (someone told you that)?

a. Yes, slightly (1 point)

b. Yes, pretty much (3 points)

c. As loud as thunder throughout the night (5 points)

5. How do you feel upon waking up?

a. Slightly tired (1 point)

b. Tired (3 points)

c. Extremely tired and groggy (5 points)

6. Do you sleep late and wake up early?

a. Yes (2 points)

b. Sleep late and wake up late (1 point)

Note: You may catch sufficient sleep, but if you sleep past midnight, your body will probably not gain restorative sleep.

How did you fare?

If you score 12 points or more in this insomnia test, you’re in serious trouble with insomnia, probably a chronic one.

I don’t advise seeking medical treatment at this point because sleeping pills are most likely what the doctors will issue you. All drugs and medications that induce sleep will ruin your body’s natural response to sleep all by itself. Moreover, each type probably lasts you only 2-3 weeks before your body grows to become impervious to the effect. What’s more, how much more money do you think you can afford for all kinds of sleep medications before you throw in the towel completely?

Why not go with natural insomnia remedies starting from now since curing insomnia in the natural way is the ultimate solution to make you sleep all by yourself again, without sleeping pills?

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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