Subliminal messages are typically embedded in another object, visual or audio, designed to bypass the normal limits of perception, or the conscious mind. It works by affecting the subconscious mind, which through links of communication is in turn able to affect the conscious mind.
We are in an environment where we are inundated with subliminal messages everyday. Be it in advertisements, on the radio, the internet or the TV, subliminal messages are present. A subliminal message can be as simple as a form of communication between two people. Whether you conveyed a message on purpose or unconsciously, you may be sending out a subliminal message without knowing it.
The question that you may want to ask is then, do subliminal messages and software work, and if so, how effectively?
The effectiveness of the subliminal software depends on how it is created. In other words, the intent and message of the directive that is being sent. Whilst one singular suggestion or message may not be effective, coupled with similar messages or repeated messages, it has a higher chance of taking effect. This is as the subconscious will have greater exposure to that particular message, and hence be more likely to act on it than the other messages that it has picked up.
Subliminal software is commonly used in advertising to create a sense of familiarity or preference for new products. According to Dr Johan Karremans, subliminal messages have a greater effect when the messages are relevant to a specific target. This is done through the process of subliminally priming a certain result without the recipient being aware of it. However, if the recipient has no intention to buy the product in the first place, the subliminal message is unlikely to work. It is most effective when the person intends to buy a certain product or service, by influencing which brand or store the person chooses.
In subliminal advertising, it is most common to use directives to obtain a response from the targeted audience. This could be as simple as a “Buy Today” message! As the subconscious mind is not capable of logic, it simply accepts all information that it is exposed to, without you consciously doing so. It is constantly awake, never needing to rest even while your conscious mind is asleep.
Subliminal software is also found in music, such as in the famous case of a British rock band, Judas Priest. The Judge who oversaw the case stated that the suicide of the two young men would not have taken place unless they really intended it to do so, and that there was no scientific evidence. However, subliminal messages can and do cause an impact on human emotions and behavior only if it is done unconsciously. The Coke and popcorn test was also eventually found to not produce scientific or substantial evidence under controlled conditions.
Subliminal software does work, but much of it depends on the intent and the message that is being sent, as well as the receptiveness and the repeated emphasis of the message to the recipient. Further, with the effect of priming, 80% of the subjects in a test were found to show preference for a certain brand. Although subliminal messages may not affect everyone, it does affect the behavior of most.