Stay Out of the Sun!


Scientists believe life on earth started in the sea. That’s
because before the appearance of the ozone layer, the
surface of the earth was bathed in life destroying
ultraviolet radiation.

Ozone is a form of oxygen. Whereas, a normal oxygen
molecule consists of two oxygen atoms bound together, ozone
is three oxygen atoms bound together. Ozone is much less
common than normal oxygen. Out of two million oxygen
molecules, only three are ozone. Ozone in the stratosphere
absorbs ultraviolet radiation, making it safe for life on
the surface of the earth.

Ozone molecules in the stratosphere are constantly forming
and breaking up. Industrial development has caused the
release of chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
CFCs in the stratosphere act as a catalyst, breaking down
ozone molecules. CFC molecules are extremely stable. One
CFC molecule can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules.

CFCs are causing ozone to be destroyed faster than it is
created. This has caused the ozone layer to become thinner.
In fact, a hole in the ozone layer has opened up over
Antarctica. In 2000, the ozone hole measured 32.9 million
square kilometers and extended over populated areas of

Exposure to the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight can
result in a skin cancer called “melanoma”. According to
the American cancer Society, each year more than a million
new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed. Melanoma is a
highly invasive form of cancer. Even after treatment, a
melanoma can metastasize. Once a melanoma has metastasized,
it rarely responds to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The
life expectancy of an individual with metastasized melanoma
is only a few months, and over 10,000 people die of skin
cancer each year.

Many people like to take off their clothes and lay out in
the sun for hours, thinking sunscreen lotion will protect
them. They follow the recommendation of using a sunscreen
with a minimum SPF of 15. However, sweat will cause the
sunscreen to wash off and become blotchy, allowing exposure
to ultraviolet radiation.

Note: In 1998, epidemiologist Merianne Berwick of the
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York
evaluated of several studies on sunscreen use. Her
conclusion: There is absolutely no evidence that the use
of sunscreen prevents skin cancer. In fact, five of the
studies found that sunscreen users actually had an
increased risk of melanoma.

A recent study suggests that 15 minutes of exposure to
sunlight each day will cause your skin to produce all the
vitamin D your body needs to remain healthy. Here in Arizona,
15 minutes of exposure to sunlight can kill you.

If you must go out in the sun, wear protective clothing
regardless of how hot you feel. Even if you are sweating
like Niagara Falls, always wear long sleeves and a hat.
Don’t forget to cover areas like your neck and hands. Don’t
walk over bright surfaces like concrete for long periods of
time. Your face can be exposed to ultraviolet radiation
reflected from the ground.

If you like to go outdoors, go out in the morning or
evening when the sun is 45 degrees or less above the
horizon. At this angle, sunlight is filtered through a
thick layer of atmosphere. You know it’s safe to be outdoors
when objects shadows are longer than the objects are tall.

Before the appearance of the ozone layer, the surface of
the earth was bathed in ultraviolet radiation making it
impossible for life to exist. Unfortunately, modern
industrial society has created ozone destroying CFC
molecules, putting life on earth back in danger.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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