Dust mite allergy is caused by dust mites. Dust mites are tiny little insects that belong to genus Dermatophagoides, which are in the same family as spiders — Arachnida in the kingdom Insecta.
In the United States alone, at least 10% of the overall population have dust mite allergy or have experienced a dust mite allergy attack. Dust mite allergy is caused by dust mites. Dust mites are tiny little insects that belong to genus Dermatophagoides, which are in the same family as spiders — Arachnida in the kingdom Insecta. Yes, dust mites are insects, and therefore, are living organisms that can be killed and eliminated. But, although they are living creatures, dust mites are surprisingly so small and so tiny that you can not barely see them with just your naked eye.
The insect known as dust mite
Dust mites are oval-shaped, eight-legged insects equipped with sticky pads on their feet that help them burrow deep into furniture and carpet fibers. Dust mites, when observed under powerful magnifying lenses will appear in a creamy color. These insects thrive by feeding on small bits of finger nails, pollen, human shed skin, bacteria, fungi and animal dander. Dust mites favor hot and humid environments because they absorb air moisture. Humidity between 70% to 80% coupled with optimum temperatures of about 75 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit is the prefect environment setting for dust mites. Such climate will help dust mites consume their food well.
Dust mite allergy
Because dust mite is not parasitic in nature, is considered not a serious threat to humans. It does not suck blood, nor even bite. However, dust mites become problems when they try to enter human bodies’ systems unintentionally along with dusts. Because of their tiny structures and light weight, dust mites tend to fly around the room and go along with dusts when inhaled by humans. This makes dust mites dangerous. Inhaling dust mites will cause an allergic reaction, which is commonly and appropriately termed dust mite allergy. Dust mite allergy takes the form of simple dust allergies, except that dusts are inhalant, are non living allergens, but dust mites are living creatures. Symptoms may be exactly similar to a dust allergy attack. The victim experiences uneasiness in breathing, coughs occasionally and sometimes suffer from sore and itchy throat.
Treatment of dust mite allergy
The best treatment to dust mite allergy is to cut or eliminate exposure to such insects. If that does not bring along immediate results, then allergy shots and medications available in drug stores can be taken in. For dust mite allergy, like in most allergies, the most basic medication or drug administered is antihistamine. Antihistamines contain enzymes that help curtail allergic body reactions to allergens. However, the efficiency of antihistamines in treating dust mite allergy will not be assured unless exposure to dust mite is significantly cut down or totally eradicated.
Preventing occurrences of dust mite allergies
The best way to prevent dust mite allergies from occurring is through maintaining cleanliness in the surroundings, especially home and bedroom, where dust mites normally thrive. Remember that vacuum cleaners can only suck dead dust mites, but the living ones will always find the way to resist and escape them. Thus, another option to keep your house dust mite free is by installing air conditioners and air dehumidifier. Dust mites love hot and humid surroundings, and reducing heat and humidity inside home will surely knock them off.
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