Sleep Facts

Sleep Facts

If you are interested in sleep facts and some simple methods at dealing with insomnia, you’ve come to the right place. Did you know that a third of adults suffer from insomnia? Insomnia sufferers usually complain about having disturbed, insufficient and non-restorative sleep.

Insufficient sleep often results in excessive tiredness, headaches, lack of motivation, a decrease in mood and ability to cope with the days stresses. Insomnia can be classified as transient, intermittent, and chronic.

In this profit and success drive world, stress is becoming increasingly frequent. For a lot of people stress or anxiety from their daily experiences, such as financial difficulties or family issues, can be the cause of insomnia. Many people find it difficult to let go of worrying or troubling thoughts at night. For the insomniac, being able to relax enough to fall asleep is sometimes a seemingly impossible task. Fact is, if you have to try and fall asleep, you’re probably already suffering from insomnia.

Bad sleep habits such as sleeping or eating late, and drinking caffeinated or alcoholic beverages can also hinder, or affect your sleep. A disruptive sleep environment such as a noisy road, snoring partner or hot room can also disrupt your body’s circadian rhythm. This prevents you from getting to sleep when you want to. Without sleep your immune system may weaken leaving you prone to illnesses. Sleep also helps restore muscular energy, and release growth hormones for proper physical and mental development.

As we get older, we tend to need less sleep. Babies might need between 10 to 14 hours a night and children between 9 to 12 hours sleep. The optimum amount of sleep for most adults is around 7 to 8 hours a night. Although it really does differ from person to person, some people may need as few as 4 hours, or as many as 10 hours of sleep per night.

Our biological clocks run on a 25 hour cycle, rather than the 24 hours we have tuned our daily lives around. This is why it’s easier for most people to go to bed later than it is to wake up early. Your biological clock requires some exposure to daylight so that it can function properly. This is why during the winter period people tend to suffer from insomnia and tiredness the most.

The first thing to do about combating insomnia is not to rush out and buy sleeping pills. If you want a long term solution it is best to seek alternative methods and to rely on your own natural ability to sleep.

The first thing that should be put into action is improving your sleep habits, also know as sleep hygiene. You can start by making sure that your sleep environment is comfortable. Ensure that your bed and pillow are comfortable and supportive and that your bedroom is not too warm. Keep your bedroom dark when you go to sleep and when it’s time to get up, ensure that you are exposing yourself to sunlight to increase your serotonin levels.

Avoid stimulants, caffeine, and alcohol a few hours at least before bedtime. Start to wind down and relax before you sleep. Play some soothing music or have a hot bath an hour before. Although having a hot bath increases your body temperature and energy levels initially, the quick drop in temperature can accelerate the drift into sleep.

Try some natural remedies, such as standardized Valerian extract to aid sleep. Valerian is available at most pharmacies and is a natural remedy to aid sleep. Taken before bedtime it can ease nerves and calm the mind to help you drift off to sleep. Lemon balm and Hops, are also soothing herbs which can calm and relax the mind and body.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article. What I have provided are just some basic sleep facts and tips to help with your sleep. If you are interested in more free information, tips and advice, watch this space!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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