Skin Care and Ayurveda

Skin Care and Ayurveda

Skin is the seat of a sense organ. Skin is also the dwelling of Bhrajaka pitta and regulates the temperature of the living body and absorbs all local medicinal applications. Vata skin is in generaly dry. It is very vulnerable to the influence of dry windy weather. Vata skin may age faster, and tends to be dry, rough and flaky when out of balance. Medically skin is a sensory organ that responds to reflexes and is a protective system that shields the entire living body. As ayurveda believes that all living beings have the panchamahabhoota as it is components, same is for skin. There are many ways to keep the body in balance. The one that is ignored the most is the skin. It is the largest organ of the body.

Skin is also the dwelling of Bhrajaka pitta and regulates the temperature of the living body and absorbs all local medicinal applications. The complexion and luster of our skin is also conferred to the skin.  Draw a light scarf across the lower part of your face and pull a cap down over your forehead. Wear a protective coating of natural moisturizer on your face. Drink extra water to support moisture balance from within. Favor spring water with a pH of 7.5 for balanced hydration. Brahmi (Bacopa), Shatavari (Indian Asparagus), Amla (Indian Gooseberry), Gotu kola (Indian Pennywort) and Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry) are potent Vata-pacifying skin rasayanas that help support skin elasticity, moisture balance, texture and radiance. Apply a paste made from one teaspoon of cumin seeds. Remove after one hour.

A warm oil self-massage is excellent for keeping skin lubricated. Use a gentle, all-natural moisturizer to keep facial skin hydrated. Kapha skin, because of its thickness and oiliness, is more prone to accumulate ama — toxins under the skin. Amla, Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba), Kumari (aloe vera), White Sandalwood, Red Sandalwood and Lajawanti (Mimosa) are considered the pre-eminent Pitta-pacifying skin rasayanas. Neem, Manjistha (Indian Madder), Triphala, Tulsi (Holy Basil) and Turmeric are potent Kapha-balancing skin rasayanas. They help detoxify the skin while nourishing it at the same time. A paste of fresh fenugreek leaves, applied and washed off with warm water before going to bed prevents pimples.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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