Six Easy Ways to Eliminate Constipation for Good

Six Easy Ways to Eliminate Constipation for Good

You’ve been feeling constipated for some time now but you still have to put on the ‘I’m just fine’ face for a work presentation or the parent-teacher conference or your spouse’s birthday dinner or any number of life events that require your presence.  So you suffer through, making sure you’ve located the nearest bathroom and dreaming of the moment you can leave and get back to the comfort of your own home.

What if your regular constipation challenges that make you oh so irregular could be gone without a trace?  Take heart, dear reader, there is hope right here.  Follow these six easy tips for two weeks and ease constipation for good!

1. Be mindful of your fiber intake.  Fiber helps you feel more fully satisfied after a meal and breaks foods down slowly.  That means that sugar, or glucose, enters the blood stream more slowly.  Your body will tell you when you have enough fiber by giving you more regular and less painful bowel movements and a reduction in episodes of constipation.

2. Use wheat germ or ground flax seeds on your food.  Begin with one half teaspoon per day and notice how you feel.  Gradually increase your amount to the recommended serving suggestion.  You can put either of these products on yogurt, oatmeal, apple sauce, salads and more!

3. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables to one large serving per day.  They can also serve as a yummy snack while giving you extra fiber.

4. Eat dark leafy greens at least once per day.

5. Increase the amount of water you drink in the morning and in the afternoon in order to hydrate the intestines.

6. Do any form of exercise that will help to stimulate the intestines such as yoga, stretching, hiking and long distance walking, running or pilates.  Any form of exercise that you feel comfortable with will be good for you as long as you stick with it at least three times per week.

Following these helpful tips will increase your overall health while also ending your constipation challenges.  Isn’t it a relief to give yourself some relief? 

Do you have questions about constipation or other health challenges associated with IBS?  Sign up for my free IBS tips today by visiting

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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