Sinus Cystic Fibrosis Infection: A Closer Look


Have you heard of the infection called Sinus Cystic Fibrosis Infection? From the name itself it sounds for a serious ailment isn’t it? What is this all about and how does it affects future sufferers? Let’s try to figure out how!

According to scientific research Sinus cystic fibrosis infection is an inherited disorder of the exocrine glands, affecting children and young people. It is caused by a genetic abnormality in the sinus cystic fibrosis infection transmembrane conductance regulator gene that results in the disruption of chloride transfer across cell membranes. As a consequence, chloride ions build up in the cells of the lungs and other organs.

Moreover, water stays inside the cells to dilute the chloride rather than being drawn out of the cells by normal chloride movement and the normal secretions of the organs thicken. When the mucus in the exocrine glands becomes thick and sticky and eventually blocks the ducts of these glands; especially in the pancreas, lungs, and liver; which will soon be forming cysts. As a result this causes the sweat glands to secrete excessive salt, causing heat prostration in hot weather.

How can we detect if we acquire such infection?

Well there are symptoms varying according to the severity of the condition and the glands involved. Usually, it includes a distended abdomen; diarrhea; bulky, foul-smelling stools; and malnutrition. In the long run, medical problems include nasal polyps and sinus disease, repeated respiratory infections, infertility, liver disease, and diabetes. Diagnosis is confirmed by a sweat test or measurement of transmembrane potential.

Accordingly, this is a cruel and deadly disease that affects almost every systems of our body like the respiratory system, the digestive system, endocrine system and reproductive system. This creates a disease complex with a wide range of disorders that can ultimately include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis-associated liver fibrosis, diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis, and arthritis.

Treatment consists of dietary adjustment (low fat—high calorie) and the administration of vitamins, pancreatin, and antibiotics to ward off secondary infections. Special measures are necessary to decrease the viscosity of pulmonary secretions; aerosol application of recombinant human dbase, an enzyme that digests the sticky extra cellular DNA that helps form these viscous secretions, was approved in 1993. In some cases lung transplantation is helpful. The identification of the abnormal gene (1989) paved the way for gene therapy aimed at altering the genetic structure by transferring to the patient cells with normal genes.

Identification of the genes has also made tests for genetic screening and diagnosis possible. Evolutionary biologists have suggested that the gene that must be inherited from both parents to cause the disorder, affords carriers some protection against cholera, a disease that kills through profound loss of fluids.

Health is wealth they say. Monitoring our health should be our primary concern. Staying away from any infections by living a healthy life is the best solution to fight SINUS CYSTIC FIBROSIS INFECTION!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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