In some people`s opinion, the shoulders are the easiest muscle group to train due to its ease of training. However, any experienced bodybuilder will tell you that you are simply doing the wrong exercises or not using enough intensity if you feel shoulder exercises are easy. If you want to develop great shoulders, you need to learn the basics of the shoulders and how to train them properly. You are going to learn the different sections of the shoulders, what the shoulders are, best time to train them, and the best exercises to turn your shoulders into boulders.
Front RaiseBehind Neck PressShoulder Press Military PressRear Delt Row Upright RowLying Rear Delt Row Rear Delt Row SMITH MACHINEBehind Neck PressUpright RowShoulder PressRear Delt RowDUMBBELLFront Lateral RaiseLying Rear Delt RowLying Rear Lateral RaiseRear Lateral Raise Rear Delt Row Seated Rear Lateral RaiseLateral RaiseLying Lateral Raise Front RaiseArnold PressOne Arm New Shoulder PressUpright Row LEVER:
Lying Rear Lateral Raise Rear Delt Row Seated Rear Lateral Raise Behind Neck PressShoulder PressParallel Grip NewLateral Raise Experiment with different training styles, alter the rep/set sequence, and make sure that you never do the same workout twice. This is very important if your are looking for continual growth in the shoulders region. Don`t forget to take a day off when you feel that your body needs it. A general rule is to take a rest week once every six to eight weeks. This will allow you to come back stronger the next week. Until next time, later.