Sedative Sleeping Pills CNS


Sedatives are drugs that depress the central Nervous System, aka the (CNS). Their are several different things which are caused by sedatives: Calmness, Relaxation, Reduction of anxiety, Sleepiness, Slowed breathing, Sleepiness, Slurred speech, Staggering gait, Slowed breathing, Poor judgment and Slow and uncertain reflexes.

Often times Sedatives are referred to as other names other than just ‘sedatives’. Other names include the popular: Tranquilizers, sleeping pills, downers, depressants, anxiolytics, soporifics, or sedative-hypnotics.

The most common sedative that we see all the time is the common sleeping pill. Often times in the news and media we will hear of people who attempt, or accomplish committing suicide by taking an over-dose of a sedative. This is due to the fact then when high doses are taken, and the drug is abused it can cause unconsciousness and death.

It isn’t abnormal for doctors and nurses to prescribe a sedation to their patients to calm their anxiety in relation to painful or anxiety intensive practices. Sedatives in no way relieve pain, which is why in often cases they are used in association with analgesics in surgery preperation of a patient. Use of a sedative in a one time case like this will rarely lead to dependence. It is when sedatives are used consistantly over a length of time, when physical and psychological dependence can occur.

As with any drug, be careful with sedatives. Keep them out out of reach of children, and always follow the guidelines set out by your doctor, or those otherwise prescribed on the package.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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