Stopping smoking will benefit the skin. Well, almost immediately! For, there is no doubt that smoke, tar and nicotine are all drying agents and contain carcinogens. Its harmful effects are beyond dispute. So, the glow or dullness of your skin has something to do with the smoke that you inhale.
The first ‘accessory’ that is required to stop smoking is within you- your commitment! Without this, no tangible results are possible! All your habits, good or bad will have a direct bearing on your body and mind, and skin is an all-embracing part and therefore, it assumes priority! Whether smoking has something to do with skin care? Definitely yes! Even the hard-core smokers will admit to this fact.
Stopping smoking will benefit the skin. Well, almost immediately! For, there is no doubt that smoke, tar and nicotine are all drying agents and contain carcinogens. Its harmful effects are beyond dispute. So, the glow or dullness of your skin has something to do with the smoke that you inhale.
Therefore, the decision to quit smoking should be firm and irrevocable! Just as a wavering candle can not withstand a storm, a wavering mind will not be able to quit smoking! Our food intake, the quality and content, is bound to show on our skin. Look at the face and observe the skin of a young adult who is smoking for the last, say, 8 to 10 years. The strong effects will definitely show; wrinkles are the sure indicators. The skin will look aged.
The overall blood circulation is also affected due to smoking. The outer layers of the skin are the first to suffer the maximum damage. The reason is not too far to seek. Oxygen supply and nutrients are deprived to the skin, so also the Vitamin A, which is of utmost importance to the health of the skin. It is the beginning of decay of elastin and collagen, two substances absolutely necessary for the elasticity and strength of the skin.
Exercises are generally for good of the body; they are for its health and shape. But this smoking exercise is the most damaging, taken from any angle! How many times a smoker opens and closes his mouth, while smoking just one cigarette? While inhaling pursing of the lips is involved. And you squint your eyes to escape from the smoke. Will it not contribute the fast arrival of more and more wrinkles? The heat generated from the burning cigarette, as it becomes smaller and smaller, will definitely change the color of the lips. No smoker’s lips have ever been rosy. The black patches on the lips look very dirty and unappealing!
So, the conclusion is obvious. Try to recapture the lost glow of your skin, which is only possible by quitting smoking-not now and then-once for all!