Products That Really Soak Up Oil?


With your hormones going through some kind of hiccupping phase or simply because you are not treating your skin right, too much oil on your face will leave it looking shiny, prone to acne outbreaks, and your pores will look larger than you would like them to.

It is time to stop fussing about your oily skin and do something about it. There is any number of products on the shelves of your local drugstore or awaiting shipment from numerous online cosmetics companies that are meant to help with oily skin.

You can get special cleansers that will help swipe the extra oil away, exfoliators to give your pores a boost, and creams or cosmetics that will soak up oil throughout the day, unless you feel like opting for oil blotters, which you can dab on your face and toss into the trash, leaving your skin with less oil than a few seconds before.     In the case that you decide to go with the oily skin prevention/control method by using foundations or extra creams or lotions that are created to soak up oil, you may be wondering just how this is possible. How can your foundation control your oil? How can one cream or lotion soak it up? Where does it go?

When you buy creams or other products that are meant to soak up the excess oil on your skin, the reason they are able to do so is because of specialized ingredients. Some of these ingredients may be man made, engineered in order to be able to absorb the oil on your face. The ingredients do so on a very small scale, but as a whole they leave your face with (as they advertise) a matte look. No shine, no problem.

Other companies use organic or natural ingredients such as specific types of clays or muds. You already know that certain types of masks that utilize clays or muds do the same thing for your oily skin; soak up the oil. In putting them into creams, foundations, or other products, they essentially are doing the same thing, but are formulated in order to be able to control your excess oil for a much longer time.

With a mask, you might be oil free for several hours after removing the mask, but your skin will eventually appear oily again. With these oil control products, once you put them on, they are to remain on your face and give you oil control for a greater amount of time. Some products boast 8 hour oil control.

The times that they advertise, however, will depend upon your skin and the care you give it. If you do nothing for your skin in terms of cleansing, exfoliating, etc., and simply believe you will be fine in relying on the creams, foundations, or other oil control products, then you will not receive the same results as you will have an enormous amount of oil buildup on your skin.

This buildup will likely lead to an acne outbreak. For someone who takes good care of their oily skin, an oil control product might be the final item they need in order to keep fresh the entire day, looking oil free and also being free from large acne outbreaks.     You can also use products in conjunction as some companies may make them in such a way that they are most effective for oily skin when used at the same time. For example, after your skin care routine, you might put on an oil control cream and then follow up with a foundation meant to help control oily skin.

Do your research on products and ask your dermatologist for suggestions if you are still unsure. Products can indeed help soak up the oil on your skin, but be sure to use them right in order to get the best results.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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