Principles Of Secure Settings In Treatment


As a professional nurse, looking after the human rights of the patient is very important. For example, prior to any treatments, medication, and or therapy, health professionals must seek a valid consent from the patient. In case the patient is not in a proper mental condition to make decisions, a third party such as his / her mother or father must be informed about the medical procedures that is intended to be performed to the patient. The non-maleficence is based on the principle that health care providers are obliged to protect the patient from further physical or mental harm. This principle is usually applicable to children, mentally incompetent, and unconscious patients. Basically those individuals who can not protect themselves within a certain time frame.

On the other hand, beneficence is a principle that demands all health care providers to do only what is good for the patient. Related to health care professions are the principles of fidelity and veracity. Fidelity is related to the professional obligation of nurses with regards to their responsibility and commitment in their chosen profession. Veracity is about honestly and truthfulness. Thus, a nurse should never deceive or mislead a patient. Among the long list of responsibility of the health care professionals is to keep the patients health records confidential. The principle of justice is about providing a fair obligation to all. It means that social benefits and burdens have to be balance in accordance with the demands of justice. For example, the license of a nurse can be revoked in case he / she is proven to falsify his / her nursing documents.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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