Prevent Indoor Allergies


An allergic reaction occurs whenever the body enters into an altered state, or has a response, because of a substance. Many people have allergic reactions to dust mites. This allergic reaction includes watery eyes, a runny nose, and a rash that may even turn into full-blown hives. Dust mites are also the most common trigger for asthma. While it is usually best to avoid allergens, sometimes this is difficult to do.

So, what exactly is a dust mite? A dust mite is actually a mite that lives inside of the dust that is found within your home. The actual allergy is to their feces. This feces is produced approximately 20 times per day and is actually light enough that it can float in the air. For this reason, the humans that inhabit these homes can easily inhale the dust mites’ feces. It is interesting to note that there are approximately 40,000 dust mites per speck of dust. With this in mind, you can easily imagine just how many dust mite stools enter into your respiratory tract. These mites especially like to live in humid areas and conditions where their food (mold and fungi) is most plentiful.

These mites need to be eliminated from the areas in which they most commonly breed. This usually includes warm, humid places such as beds, carpets, and upholstered furniture. These mites also live on the skin cells that people and their pets shed, and deposit their waste in all of the areas in which they gather. This wreaks havoc on a person who has allergies to dust mites.

There are some ways in which you can “allergy-proof” your house. This is actually the first step that you should take towards effectively treating a dust allergy. While you may be thinking that you are going to have to tear the house apart for this to work, you do not have to do so. Here are some simple ways in which you can begin “allergy-proofing” your home today.

• Dust and sweep your house on a weekly basis. You should also use a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner to keep your furniture and carpet clean.

• Keep your house moderately cool and maintain low levels of humidity by using a dehumidifier. Dust mites do not like living in this type of an environment and thus keeping your home air cool and not humid, you will be able to hamper their growth. Dehumidifiers are also helpful here.

• Ensure that your house is properly ventilated. HEPA air filters are useful here.

• Take time to wash your bedclothes on a weekly basis and dry them on high heat. There are also anti-allergen casings available for mattresses and bedclothes.

If you take the aforementioned measures and still find yourself suffering with dust mite allergies, then you should seek medical attention. Doctors can offer antihistamines and allergy injections, both of which can be very helpful for persons who are allergic to dust mites. There are also holistic measures that can be taken, but you would need to seek the advice of a homeopathic practitioner in order to see what would work best for you.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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