Practical Tips On Choosing The Right Perfume

Practical Tips On Choosing The Right Perfume

Perfume is considered to be one of the most must-haves for any status-conscious person in any society. Initially, it was being used by the upper-class society as a high-end accessory; but, later it became available even to the most common person in the society. In the modern age, the use of perfume has become virtually indispensable as it potentially adds to the personality of a person.

The history and background of perfume can be traced back to the ancient times of Egypt. The word `Perfume` has been coined by the combination of two Latin words such as `Per` (Through) and `Fume` (Smoke). The art of making perfumes took place in ancient Egypt but it was the Romans and the Arabs who improved it subsequently. There are many procedures being followed these days for making the modern perfumes but the most general process is extracting oils from flowers by distillation which was introduced by an Iranian doctor named Avicenna.

Usually, the exact formulae of making perfumes and fragrances are kept confidential by the designer houses; however, some perfume specialists are skilled enough to identify the ingredients, components and origins of the perfume and scents. At the present day, France is dominating the European perfume design and trade industry, and the `Perfumery` has become one of the most potentially profitable businesses in the world.

How to pick the right perfume?

Choosing the right perfume and fragrance has become increasingly difficult for the customers as the cosmetic market is being invaded by numerous new perfumes and scent brands each and every day. Now a days, perfumes and fragrances can be found in different flavors and ingredients. They are being manufactured and offered in bottles of different shapes and sizes according to the needs of the targeted customers. While visiting a cosmetic store, a customer often gets confused about what could be the right one for him/her. However, there are some guidelines if followed can help those confused customers remove their doubts and select the right perfume for them.

They are as follows:


Try different perfumes and fragrances to know what suits your skin the best. No two perfumes are alike in fragrance, flavor and smell. Hence what suits the most, may not necessarily suit you. Do not just blindly follow the branded perfumes. It really pays to try different perfumes before you settle for one.


Always go for a perfume that contains fresh smells and makes you attractive and impressive. Have your best friend (preferably female) give his/her views on the particular perfume you are trying. Often, it is the other person who can tell you what goes right with you.

Ingredients and Flavors:

Perfumes can be selected using different ingredients and flavors. They are different categories of perfumes such as woody perfume, fruit perfume, floral perfume, oceanic perfume, greens perfume and oriental perfume. Usually, each of these fragrances is suitable for a male or female depending on their personal preference. However, you can always go for one that best suits your personality and life-style.

Climate and Season:

While choosing a perfume, one should consider the climate and season. What goes best in the winter may not be even good enough in the summer. Hence, it is extremely important to choose the perfume that does justice to the climate and to your skin.

Moreover, perfumes should be selected as per the occasions and festivals too. For instance, a particular perfume may be just perfect for a birthday party you are attending, but when it comes to a boardroom meeting you have choose a different one.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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