No, it is Not eBay but You Can Bid for Plastic Surgery


Desperate people can do desperate things. That’s right folks; you can offer a bid for that eye lift or tummy tuck, just like you would bid on a piece of jewelry or camera equipment on eBay.

Desperate people can do desperate things when consumers become more savvy and sophisticated as they shop around for the very best deals offered on websites promoting surgical procedures. 

That’s right folks; you can offer a bid for that eye lift or tummy tuck on, just like you would bid on a piece of jewelry or camera equipment on eBay.  If you select to pursue a bid, you are entitled to a free in-person consultation with the physician of your choice.  This forum is designed to save the consumer time, money and effort thus saving the doctors administrative and marketing costs.

Insurance companies do not typically reimburse plastic surgery fees leaving the consumer to fend for the best deal with their hard earned cash.  Prudent consumers can be thrifty and conservative when spending after tax dollars for a temporary face lift or other risky procedure that will undoubtedly need repeating in a few short years.

Another new wrinkle – no pun intended – was developed for the jet setting consumer who believes that they can enjoy a quiet surgical tweak in a foreign clinic where their dollar may go further because of low-cost, high-quality procedures.  Sites like and will book your appointment with a doctor then take care of the travel requirements such as passport and visas, airline tickets and hotel.

Life altering choices coupled with risk is a high price to pay for beauty especially when unrealistic claims and unqualified practitioners induce patients to make uneducated decisions.  Even certain medical professionals are policing themselves and re-thinking their position on cutting into a healthy face for the sake of beauty.

Safety needs to be highly regarded for every surgical procedure and The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons has published a checklist for those considering plastic surgery; it is the acronym entitled ‘S.U.R.E.’   We have seen similar admonitions from our US health officials and these are reminders of those warnings:

S:  Surgeon’s credentials and qualifications. 

U:  Understand fully the procedure, risk, location, downtime and care requirements.

R:  Recovery process, how long, implications, after care options

E:  Expectations can be over the top so be informed about what actually can be achieved.

All in all, warnings such as these are not needed when you use natural means to correct the cause of aging. 

Some aging in the face is from outside influences such as over exposure to the sun and elements, smoking, drinking, poor eating habits, lack of water in the diet, too many adult beverages night after night, and the list can go on and on. 

Some aging presents itself like sagging and this is caused because the muscles underneath your skin are elongating due to atrophy/disuse.  The facial muscles, although small compared to say muscles in the forearm or leg, can cause noticeable aging when they begin to lose those their shape and tone so by the time you reach 40, apparent aging has begun in your face.

Rather than opt for risky, temporary procedures such as injections and surgical treatments that tax your wallet, why not consider facial exercise to lift your face?  You won’t have to book an expensive trip or run the risk of contracting Montezuma’s revenge or interview countless physicians hoping one of them can work with your budget and health constraints.

Exercises that use resistance and isometrics work for your body and the same principles can be applied to the face.  It makes sense.  Imagine seeing the face you had years ago returning day by day when you exercise your face.

The key to a younger, healthier looking face is prevention using a natural, safe method such as facial exercise to lift the sagging, droopy muscles without injections, harmful chemicals or cutting.  Start now for a better looking face almost instantly!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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