Natural Sleep Remedies

Natural Sleep Remedies

Natural sleep remedies are increasingly popular among insomnia sufferers as they are generally non-addictive and safer compared to prescribed sleeping pills. In this article I will mention a few natural sleep remedies that are widely available on the market and explain some of their benefits and usage.

Please note that although natural sleep remedies are perceived as being safer than sleeping pills, they should still be taken with caution and should not be taken unnecessarily. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before considering taking any natural sleep remedies.

Natural sleep remedies may contain natural ingredients that may interfere with prescription medication or may not be suitable for you. Seeking medical advice is a must before considering taking any sleep aids or remedies.

Prescribed Sleeping pills on the other hand are generally bad news. Sleeping pills will break down your body’s natural sleep cycle and make sleep very difficult in the long term. It may also affect the amount of deep sleep you attain during the night as the chemicals in most major sleeping pills interfere with normal brain wave patterns.

You may find that you wake up feeling groggy, drowsy or tired. Other Side effects include urinary retention, blurred vision, dizziness and palpitations. Sleeping pills may help you get to sleep but with continual use your body will build tolerance, and you may find that you need to increase your dose to attain the same affect. Although you may be tempted to up your dosage, this is not advised as it may have detrimental affects on your health. Please consult with your doctor if you need advice on this.

Here are some natural sleep remedies to consider: Standardized Valerian extract is a safe and non addictive sedative which works by calming the mind and body. It has been used for centuries and is widely used. Valerian is available at most pharmacies and is a natural remedy to aid sleep. Taken before bedtime it can ease nerves and calm the mind to help you drift off to sleep. Lemon balm and Hops, are also soothing remedies which can help calm and relax the mind and body.

If you are suffering from mild depression, this could be the cause of your insomnia. St John’s wort is fast becoming a popular herbal remedy, widely available it is used to treat mild to moderate depression. It is even prescribed by doctors in several European countries to treat depression. As with all medicines it’s recommended that you consult your doctor for advice. It may be a natural remedy, but it may not be right for you.

To cope with fatigue and to boost your immune system, try Ginseng. Ginkgo Biloba is also widely available and can help improve memory, concentration and increase oxygen flow to the brain.

Although side effects are rare when taking Natural sleep remedies, you should stop taking them immediately and seek medical advice if you experience anything unusual. To be honest it is best not to take anything at all. Instead pay attention to your sleep habits (also referred to as sleep hygiene). Your daily routine, habits, diet and emotional levels all play a part in how well you are able to sleep.

It’s far more effective to tackle the cause of insomnia rather than the symptoms alone. Here are some simple steps you can take to improve your sleep:

  • Get up and sleep at the same time everyday.
  • Wind down an hour or so before you sleep.
  • Relax with some soothing music or chamomile tea.
  • Leave your work at work!
  • Expose yourself to sunlight in the day.
  • Ensure that your bed is comfortable and supportive.
  • Ensure your bedroom is quiet, dark and not to warm.
  • Talk about your problems and don’t let your emotions build up.
  • Remind yourself that bedtime is for sleep and not a time to worry.

I hope you find these simple tips useful.

Taking natural sleep remedies may aid sleep, however you may also want to consider alternative therapies and practices such as acupuncture, hypnosis and reflexology.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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