Have you ever wondered how to make your home exercise sessions work as effectively, if not more, than regular gym sessions? This article will teach you to make the most of your home exercise efforts, for a fraction of the cost and time involved in traditional gym training.
Find inexpensive home exercise equipment – grab your local newspaper and take a look at the classified ads under Miscellaneous, or gym equipment. The good news is – most home equipment from these ads are used. However, you’re going to see language like, “like new,” “never used,” or “mint condition.
“More often that not, the people trying to get rid of their equipment are really telling you the truth! This is common – you buy your equipment with the very best intentions, to get into your best shape ever. And I’m sure that the time, money, and space was considerable. Alas, your equipment STILL ended up an expensive clothes hanger and dust gatherer. And now it’s time to let it go. But does it have to be? About 50% of those who start a fitness program quit after a few months. Personal stories indicate that substantially more than 50% of home exercisers quit after the same period of time.
You can be an exception, and I want you to be one. If you follow a few simple tips, you can proudly call yourself an avid home exerciser who puts his/her equipment to good use, because you’re walking proof.
Make a pact with yourself – An agreement “form” outlining your goals, how you’re going to attain them, and your deadlines for accomplishing them. Include also your reward system for reaching milestones along the way to keep on. Sign and date it, as it now solidifies your commitment to yourself.
In fitness, and in life, attitude is the difference between success and failure. The formula is simple – to change your results, change your attitude. If you want terrible results, have a terrible attitude.
Great results come from having a great attitude. Now, you know having a leaner, energized, dynamite body is going to take some work, that there’s a journey ahead of you. Trial and error. Experimenting. Analyzing. Learning. That’s the fun part!You get to learn more about yourself, and what works best for YOU. If you want positive results, you’ll know what to do.
The importance of specific goals – I hear this statement often, “I want to lose weight and get in shape. So, I guess I have to diet and exercise.” So what? That’s not a real goal. Everybody wants to lose weight and get in shape. The problem with this abstract goal is that it leads to nowhere. What EXACTLY is the goal? What does losing weight and getting shape mean to you? Pretend you have achieved these goals. How do you look? How do you act? What’s going on with your life? How do you FEEL? Once you have CONCRETE goals, then it’s much easier to put a plan together and implement it successfully. Just be sure your goals are reachable (but make you REACH) and measurable. For example, “I want to lose 2 lbs a week for 8 weeks” is an excellent goals.
Knowing what equipment to buy – Only buy what you’ll actually use. Everybody knows you need a combination of strength training and aerobic conditioning. So, you’ll definitely use some dumbbells and barbells and an adjustable bench for strength training. Aerobic equipment can be challenging, If you avoid the stair stepper at the gym, but enjoy the treadmill, chances are you’re not going to fall in love with it if you have a stepper at home. So get the treadmill. Just remember: buy what you KNOW you’ll use.
Get an exercise chart or some professional assistance with your workouts – If you are unsure you’re doing things correctly and safely, consider hiring a personal trainer or coach to help you break through this “comfort zone” obstacle of fear. Maybe you need to be held accountable for a while, to make sure you’re doing what needs to be done. Once you “get” that you CAN do this regularly AND on your own, then you can elect to reduce the number of sessions with the trainer.
The importance of a good workout environment – Your space must have bright colors, motivating pictures, upbeat music, and preferably a friend trying to workout out with you and achieve the same thing you’re trying to. Boredom is a prime reason why people quit working out. And especially at home, where your basement or living room, boredom can set in quickly. You’re investing a significant amount of time and money to getting a knockout body and vibrant health. Set up a boom box or stereo, and play music that psyches you sky high. Then train like you mean it.