Now let’s talk about sitting posture. Remember what I said about keeping the Lower Back Bone as much as possible? Well, it also applies here. Never sit on uncomfortable chairs and choose the one that will keep the Lower Back Bone straight. The chair should have some kind of stretching mechanism that can ease things for the Back Bone. Nowadays, hydraulic chairs are available which help you in keeping the Back Bone straight. Also, have small breaks during your long hours work. From time to time, leave your chair and try to give some rest to your Back Bone. One important thing about your sitting posture is that you should sit in a position where your knees are a bit higher than your Hip Bone. In this way your Back Bone curve will be a little straighter. Take good time in buying of a new comfortable chair for your self.
Now for the standing or walking posture. Always remember one thing; keep your shoulders high and stand straight. Here is the most important part. All my body building friends and other people too; always be extremely careful with lifting heavy things. Not only heavy things but also with light heights too. So what exactly do I mean by being careful with lifting things?Well, it is the most important thing to remember. There are many patients coming to me crying for help who damaged their Back Bone by lifting things in wrong postures. You can destroy your Back Bone by doing such things. Why and what is wrong with lifting things in wrong postures? You saw the picture above showing the Back Bone curve right? So when you lift weights especially heavy ones, this curve suffers all the pressure and Pain. See the picture below Actually what I want to show in the picture is that the person is lifting a weight in a terrible body position. It will not be wrong to say that in reality the person’s Back Bone is the one lifting the weight not his arms. This is because he is using his arms for only grabbing the weight after that his Back Bone is bearing all the weight and pressure. This way of lifting things is the worst thing a person can do to himself. This is completely a suicide. People usually don’t care about these things until they end up in a Lower Back Pain. This is no less then a deadly Cancer. Yes, you heard me; Lower Back Pain can become the most dangerous disease that mankind can not even imagine.
If you are thinking that I am joking then I suggest you think once again. Back Bone contains all the nerves coming from the brain that controls the Human body. When you are walking or doing anything with your legs, that is making it do; it’s the Human Brain and the Brain transfers all the information through these nerves. Back Bone is like a shield for all Cables running down from the Brain to Human Body. If any thing happens to these nerves then you are doomed. You can even loose control over your own body. I don’t want to scare you but this is true. You don’t have to worry about any thing if you are willing to take good care of your Back Bone from now on. Respect your Back Bone at all cost. Health is Wealth and all your health depends on the Back Bone. Back Bone is directly proportional to your Health. That means if your Health is excellent then your Back Bone will be in an excellent shape unless you don’t do any wrong things that hurt the Back Bone. I have seem many patients complaining about Back Pain but on the other hand they seem to have right standing, sitting and sleeping postures and they haven’t hurt their Back Bone by doing any exercise in wrong posture or lifted any thing in wrong position. Now the question arises that what really is wrong with those patients? Well, wrong sleeping, standing and sitting postures or lifting any weight incorrectly are not the only reasons why a person can encounter Back Pain, perhaps their can be other reasons too. Take a look at the next Back Pain Cause.
Back Pain due to Physical Weakness.I have seen many patients complaining about Back Pain who are very weak. They have a very thin body and there weight is below average. Weakness will first of all make your Back Bone weak too because they don’t have enough muscle power. There are muscles around the Back Bone right? Now if a person is six feet tall and has a waist equal to 25 or 24 then one can image how much fat will be there on his/her stomach area. Infect there will be no fat at all any where on his/her body. Now the question arises that Why weakness affect Back Bone condition. Well, when human move or do any work, muscles help us to do all the work. Bones make the basic human structure but they are not responsible for all work requiring force. But what when there are no muscle? In such case, bones have to do all the work but end in disasters.