Little Known Method of Successfully Getting Rid of Unwanted Facial Hair


Women don’t want all that hair in places other than on theirhead! With either heredity or age, the ladies are bound to get amoustache on their upper lip and it’s never ever welcomed. Firstthere was shaving, and then came the plethora of creams, lotionsand potions to remove hair, then there was waxing, and evenelectrolysis. Now gals, there’s yet another method you maychoose to rid that unwanted stache on your upper lip. It’scalled Threading.

Threading is done at salons or can also be done at home. Theprocess removes the fine and fuzzy hair right from the root. Ifit sounds painful, consider the options. If you shave your lip,it’ll come back stubbly, eventually like a man. What wants that?If you use a cream, you’re subjecting yourself to chemicalreactions and it doesn’t rid the hair at the root, so it’lllikely just grow back faster and thicker. If you’ve ever hadyour lip waxed, ripping that sucker off hurts too. Not tomention the bright red upper lip for hours and the small beadyblisters for a week. Ick. Ever try plucking your hairs out? Ouch is right! You could bleach that hair, but then you’ll justhave a lighter colored moustache. Every method has its drawbacks.

Many women say the best method of hair removal from the upper lipis threading. One of the benefits is that you don’t have to waitfor hair to grow a certain length. The concept is that you’regoing to get the hair twisted and spun into the thread and thuslyyanking, gently yanking it off your face. It might be difficultfor you to visualize the procedure, so you may want to have itdone in a salon first if you’re not getting the full gist of whatneeds to happen.

To start take about 24 inches of thread length. Yes, the sewingthread, any kind, nothing special so long as you use a goodquality, strong thread. Take both ends and tie them, together ina knot. You’ll have a circle of thread when you’re done tying theends together. Next hold the thread with both hands and windthem around (loop around) your hands about ten times. Then placethe thread around the fingers of both hands. Push the part thatis wound up towards one hand by widening the fingers of one handand at the same time closing the fingers of the other hand. Usean alternating “open/close” motion with opposite hands.

By opening the fingers of the closed hand and closing the fingersof the other hand, you’re pushing the wound portion in the otherdirection. It will take some practice. Keep pushing the wound upportion back and forth until you are able to push it back andforth easily. Once you have the hang of it, you might be readyto start practicing on a body part. Don’t use the upper lip as apractice point. Try the leg or some other body part that iseasily accessible.

Begin by placing the thread on the portion of your leg orelsewhere that you are going to first try. Place the wound parton one end of the hair, and the thread from the other side shouldbe on both sides of the hair you want to remove. Next, move thewound portion to the other side, making sure that it catches thehair while moving. It will then lift the hair from the root as itmoves back and forth.

After you’ve practiced this method and are fairly comfortablewith it, move onto your upper lip. It’ll be quick and easy,taking only a couple of minutes every other day. How wonderfulwill it be to always have a hairless lip!

If all else fails, you may not be an expert threader, but youwill at least know what someone is talking about next time theymention threading and they’re not referring to cross-stitching!

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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