Kidney Stone Prevention! 10 Free Tips to Prevent Kidney Stones

Kidney Stone Prevention! 10 Free Tips to Prevent Kidney Stones

Five people out of every 100 develop a kidney stone sometime in their life.  If you are or have been one of those five people, you will know that kidney stones can be a living nightmare.   In fact, numerous women characterize the pain worse than childbirth.  If you currently have a kidney stone, there is good new because kidney stones can be passed naturally without drugs or surgery (Read last paragraph)!  And if you are worried about future kidney stones, know that kidney stone prevention is as easy as changing a few simple lifestyle habits.  

10 Tips to Prevent Kidney Stones:

1. Drink Water!  Kidney Stones are caused by dehydration (not enough water) over a long period of time.  Therefore, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day!  A good rule would be to always keep your urine clear. 

2. Distilled Water!  If you have the option of drinking distilled water, do it!  Distilled water is water without any bacteria, viruses, heavy metals or impurities.  Drinking ‘pure’ water will help prevent kidney stones while flushing out your system.

3. Lemons!  This citrus fruit is easy to eat.  Simply squeeze a couple slices in each glass of water and you will be eating two lemons a day!  Tip: You can make free lemonade at a restaurant by mixing water, a few slices of lemon and some sweetener to your glass!

4. Exercise!  If you haven’t jumped on the health train yet you better finally do it!  Exercise has literally thousands of benefits including preventing kidney stones!  Find activities that you enjoy and go out and do them!   You should make a goal of 30 minutes of exercise for 3-4 days a week!

5. Find a step-o-meter!  A step-o-meter shows you how many steps you took during the day.  Step-o-meters became extremely popular years ago when McDonalds gave them out!  You should make a goal for 10,000 steps per day. 

6. Sleep!  Most Americans either get too little or get too much!  You should try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep each night.  Your body has a natural clock so it is recommended to always go to bed and get up at the same times.

7. Cranberry Juice from concentrate!  Cranberry Juice will help maintain your urinary tract which will help prevent kidney stone formation.

8. Get Citrates!  Citrates reduce the build up of uric acid and eliminate the build-up of calcium salts (causing kidney stones).  Drink plenty of fruit and vegetable juices such at carrot, grape, and orange juices.

9. Say good-bye to soda!  Many people believe that kidney stones are caused by drinking too much soda.  To some extent that is true because a variety of reasons.  Don’t drink soda because of high levels of phosphorous which causes kidney stones.  (Stay away from carbonated drinks in general.)

10. Stay away from high sugars!  High sugar intake is associated with increased risk of kidney stones.  You can cut hundreds of calories and prevent future kidney stones by staying away from sugary drinks and foods.

More Prevention and a Natural Remedy for Passing Kidney Stones  

I hope that you find these simple, yet effective, kidney stone prevention tips useful!  If you know the pain associated with kidney stones, you will know that lifestyle changes need to take place.  There are also many more prevention tips available in our Natural Remedy for Kidney Stones Report.  And finally, are you currently suffering from a kidney stone that hasn’t passed?  Please try our guaranteed natural home-remedy (only two ingredients needed) (will work in hours) to pass the kidney stone!  Many doctors and nurses are recommending this remedy to their patients to avoid surgery!  You can also find this remedy and many more in our report.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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