The endocannabinoid (EC) system is activated when you consume high-fat or high-carbohydrate food and it makes you feel hungrier, drives to weight gain, and increases body fat, according to Dr. Louis J. Arrone, director of the Comprehensive Weight Control Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center.
It was shown that obese people have an overactive EC system, so obesity it`s not just a problem of drugs that don`t work or lack of willpower, it`s also about the body`s counterbalancing mechanisms that stops weight loss, said Dr. Arrone.
Receptors of the EC system can be blocked and so appetite and weight gain would be under control. Blocking cannabinoid receptors is also benefic when it comes to reducing risks for Type two diabetes and heart disease.
However, nutritionists have different strategies that may help you decrease the urge of a snack. For example, wait five to fifteen minutes, distract yourself with other activities, drink a glass of water, or just have a small portion of a treat.
It may help if you eat food high in water and fiber that gives you a sense of fullness. Dr. Arrone recommends workout as a key for maintaining weight loss since the natural response of the body is to conserve calories when it receives less food. To read the rest of this article, go to an online weight loss community featuring calorie counter, carbs counter, BMI calculator, diet planner, workout planner and nutritional information.