Insomnia Treatment – Inside The Mind

Insomnia Treatment - Inside The Mind

We feed it constantly with endless thoughts and information, it has to cope with stress, fears, memories, daily schedule and many more things. With all this, it often happens that the mind simply overflow with things to do and think of, the stress takes over and the mind stops functioning properly since it is going in a state of overload, which is when insomnia usually appears.

Insomnia is usually followed by various kinds of underlying reasons, but most of them are coming from a troubled mind. The chemical imbalance that cause mental disorders create a state of sleeplessness, but high levels of stress, depression or fears can have the same effect in keeping you from sleeping at night. So if you suffer from insomnia, the first thing you should do is to check with yourself if you are over-stressed lately, if you have too much on your mind to handle or simply going through some changes in your life that can arouse excessive thinking or powerful emotions that keeps you from being relaxed enough to sleep at night.

Maybe you’ve just moved to a new house. This is a great thing that not every person gets to experience in his or her lives so you should be grateful for it. It’s true that there are many things to think of, to arrange, purchase or clean, but overall it is an exciting experience. Look at the bright side of it, who knows what great new people you might meet tomorrow? Besides the change in attitude, maybe the changes coming with the environment are affecting your sleep. If the lights are brighter, it can affect your ability to relax, so try to change the bulbs to a light that suits you. A noisy neighborhood can also keep you from sleeping normally, so think what you can do with the windows or the walls. But mainly, just give yourself time to adjust and stay positive, and you will see that soon enough you’ll be snoring again but this time in a brand new room.

Death of a beloved friend or relative is often a cause for insomnia. Often the grief is followed by guilt, fear and continuous sadness that can keep anyone from sleeping at night. But remember that unless you had an actual part in the death, it was just a part of life and just like every human being before you, everyone will die after you, and there is nothing you can do to change that, as painful as it can be. Don’t blame yourself for things you cannot change, and just accept it and allow yourself to express what you feel openly, it will set you free instead of bothering your night’s rest.

A change at work is often a major cause for being stressed, frustrated or excited, depending on the change. Worries about one’s financial condition can be very overwhelming and if you’re not careful, this natural need can become destructive. It won’t help you sleep more if you’re so worried about having enough money in your bank account that you become a workaholic, staying up all night to finish ore than you can handle in a work day. Besides that, even a good thing as a promotion can be stressful. You want to meet all the requirements for the new position and not to let yourself or your boss down, so you overdo, over worry and as a consequence lack sleep. Well, you can be sure that if you got this job then you’re worth it, so just be yourself and don’t worry, because you’ll be good to no one when you come to work anxious, frustrated, not focused, edgy and dead tired because of the insomnia you’ve developed by thinking and worrying too much. The key to your recovery is in your mind, so start by changing your thinking habits, take it easy and enjoy life!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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