Insomnia Sympton

Insomnia Sympton

Probably a silly thing to punch into Google, Insomnia Sympton. But you would be surprised at the number of times this very simple set of keywords, Insomnia Sympton is used. There again if English is not your first language I suppose Insomnia Sympton is a  reasonable request.

I myself have seen several expalanations for Insomnia Sympton. a simple sleep disturbance,  sleep altered from their usual experience, ffrequent awakening, not sleeping deeply, not sleeping for a long enough time, an increase in nightly wakefulness and alertness, are all Insomnia Symptons but  I think….

 “An Insomnia Sympton” is any episode of unrefreshing sleep,  difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, or waking  up too early in the morning and not being able to drop  back off subdivided into groups according to length and severity. Women and the elderly seem to be the most  frequent sufferers. We can divide these episodes into  three collective groups and label them Short-term  Transient or Chronic.

 A quick explanation of these three would be as follows;

 Transient, a simple disturbance in sleeping patterns.  A  short illness, a sudden change in lifestyle, stress,  isomething that leads to a short term change

 Short-term insomnia is is less fun. It lasts for about 2-3  weeks. Causes could be something like a new job,  divorce, serious illness, financial problems, or a family  berevement.

 Chronic as the name suggests is the real thing. Chronic  insomnia is the rarest and most serious type, with  Insomnia lasting longer than a few weeks. I’ve just been  reading a learned article that says Chronic Insomnia is  fairly rare. That may be so but if 10 percent of the US  population suffers from it thats over 20 Million people  leading a life of misery.

Just think if it was you (It might be) who had to get up three or four times every night to pee and had difficulty in getting back to sleep. You would soon be looking not for an Insomnia Sympton but an Insomnia Cure. We have covered many cures in other articles but a quick list of herbs you might like to try is as follows:-

A herbal insomnia cure may well include one or a blend of the following;

PASSION FLOWER eases anxiety-induced insomnia. Calming and can ease muscle spasms that can be very painful and keep you awake.PEPPERMINT Used as a tea it may ease digestionRED CLOVER Used for years as a tonic. Very relaxingREISHI MUSHROOM Eases anxiety and calms the nervous system. A help for those with insomnia.ST. JOHN’S WORT Good for mild depression and anxiety. It improves the quality of sleepSIBERIAN GINSENG Gives you a lift. Good for the treatment of depression, lethargy and chronic fatigue syndromeSPEARMINT A few drops on your pillow can be very soothingTHYME Try it as a tea or put a bit into your pillowVALERIAN Valerian tea is a natural sedativeWOOD BETONY Use it as a substitute for teaCATNIP Often used in insomnia formulas and as a sleep promoting teaFLEECE FLOWER ROOT Treatment for deficient blood syndromeGOTU KOLA Has a calming effect and also improves the circulationHOELEN Noted for it’s calming, soothing effectHOPS Relaxing and calming. It also digestionJASMINE Used as a tea, it’s a mild nerve sedativeJUJUBE (DA T’SAO) Relieves nervous tension and apprehensionKAVA KAVA Very relaxingLAVENDER Use it in your nightly bathLEMON BALM Relieves nervous tensionMARSHMALLOW ROOT A calming herbOAT FIBER Soothing to the digestion and to the nervous systemPASSION FLOWER Eases anxiety-induced insomniaSAGE Eases depression and is good for the nerves

By Sleep Well

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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