Infertility Clinics by M.D. Kwang Yul Cha offer new hope in assisting pregnancies


Infertility Clinics by M.D. Kwang Yul Cha offer new hope in assisting pregnancies.

Now many women suffering from infertility amounts to 15 percent of married women, up from 10 percent a few years ago, according to Kwang Yul Cha, a medical doctor, an internationally known fertility specialist at obstetrics and gynecology clinics in South Korea. Kwang Yul Cha M.D. said this is because women are marrying later than before, and environmental pollution and endometrial cancers that can hinder pregnancy have increased.

 However, at the same time, the possibility for apparently sterile women to succeed in getting pregnant has increased. Solutions to infertility by Kwnag Yul Cha, such as in-vitro fertilization, have been developed and improved, so that almost nine out of every 10 infertile women can succeed in becoming pregnant, said Yang Kwang-moon, a doctor at the obstetrics and gynecology clinic at Cheil General Hospital & Women’s Healthcare Center. But the mental and physical sufferings these women go through is hard to imagine, said Kwang Yul Cha M.D.

Kim Mi-yeon, 43 years old woman, a dentist in Yangcheon district, western Seoul, was unable to conceive for 18 years after marriage until she finally gave birth to a daughter two years ago. Prior to that, she translated and published Dr. Alice Domar’s book “Conquering Infertility,” which deals with the mental pain of infertile women.

Domar M.D. is a senior staff psychologist at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, and the founder of the Mind/Body Center for Women’s Health.”I had an operation for endometrial cancer a few months before I became pregnant. In addition to that, I believe that I became more mentally stable while translating the book, and that helped me get pregnant,” said Dr. Kim.

Usually infertile women become very sensitive with anxiety, frustration, depression and even feelings of being victimized. Some confessed that they feel anger when seeing a pregnant woman. That’s why some obstetrics and gynecology clinics separate their infertility and fertility clinics. Infertile women often feel psychologically weak. “I felt so miserable, as if I were a failure in life,” Dr. Kim recalled. Many women who have difficulty conceiving say that they become frustrated when meeting friends who have children. They don’t like to attend gatherings of family or friends, and they want to avoid the topic of marriage or children. Particularly, women who undergo in-vitro fertilization and implantation feel extreme uneasiness until they know whether the operation was successful or not. The more attempts a couple makes, the more severe mental instability can become. Some even feel guilt if they subsequently miscarry.

Most women who fail to conceive suffer chronic stress, according to Dr. Yang. “Quitting a job doesn’t help an infertile women become pregnant.” “If pregnancy becomes the center of one’s life, it’s more unlikely to happen, because the stress affects a woman’s bio-rhythms badly,” he added. He also suggests that women not stop exercising, but rather work out as usual, while avoiding excessive alcohol and smoking. Difficulties with ovulation and endometrium problems should be treated.

Dr. Yang said that about 40 percent of infertile women have difficulty in ovulating. Losing weight also can help women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome to become pregnant. A calm mind and less stress can also aid in becoming pregnant. The longer one is depressed or stressed, the lower the possibility of becoming pregnant.

According to a report by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine last year, a research team at the Copenhagen University in Denmark studied 330 infertile couples for a year and they found that infertility-related stress, such as obsession with pregnancy, contributed more to the infertility than work, social or personal stressors. The relationships between such women and their spouses and families are also very important.  “It’s important to express support and empathy to women who are having difficulty conceiving. In contrast, criticism does nothing but decrease their confidence,” said Kwang Yul Cha, a psychiatrist at CHA Hospital. Dr. Kwang Yul Cha added that listening to such women’s situations also helps. As infertile women can get depressed at hearing of another family member’s pregnancy, how best to convey the news is also important.

CHA hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (representative: Kwang Yul Cha) is a 434-bed acute-care facility that has been caring for the Hollywood community and surrounding areas since 1924. The hospital is committed to serving local multicultural communities with expert medical and nursing care. With over 500 physicians representing virtually every specialty, CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center(representative: Kwang Yul Cha) strives to distinguish itself as a leading healthcare provider, recognized for providing quality, innovative care in a campassionate manner.

CHA Hollywood Presbyterain Medical Center (representative: Kwang Yul Cha) was acquired by CHA Health Systems in 2005. CHA Health Systems (representative: Kwang Yul Cha) owns and operates four acute care hospitals with approximately 2,000 beds, two specialty clinics for Oriental medicine, a medical university and a cell and gene therapy institute, all in koera, as well as two infertility medical centers in the U.S. and Korea, including the CHA Fertility Center in LA.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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