Men all over the world suffer from premature ejaculation. There are a number of treatments available but how effective are they? To understand batter how these work the treatments have been explained below.
1. Distraction during sex
This is the most common treatment pracised by a lot of men. The idea is to delay orgasm by distracting yourself. The methods of distraction can be to think some unpleasant thought during sex. Some men also distract themselves by pinching themselves or asking their partner to pinch them during sex. Another method is to bite the inside of the cheek during sex. Ouch, that must hurt.
It is said that masturbation before sex will delay orgasm. It is all right to do so as long as you don’t make a habit of it and start to rely on this method every time before sex. Usually the anxiety of your performance causes premature ejaculation. So if you rely on masturbation as a way to deal with premature ejaculation then you will only be laying stress on your problem.
3. Sprays/ lotions/ Numbing Creams
The market is flooded with such products. The application of these creams/ lotions/ sprays on the penis will numb the penis and thud delay orgasm. But tell me, what is the use of using these creams and lotions if you are so numb that you can’t feel and enjoy sex?
4.Controlling your muscles
The idea here is to strengthen the muscles by doing pelvic floor exercises. These exercises help to delay orgasm.
5. Drugs and Alcohol
They don’t solve the problem at all. Period. In fact sometimes they make it worse.
6. Hypnosis
Premature ejaculation is caused by anxiety about your sexual performance. Hypnosis helps you relax and deal with stress. It is known to be helpful in treating premature ejaculation.
Are you ready to take the first step towards ending your premature ejaculation problems forever?If so, you can get complete access to our program in just a moment and you’ll be on your way to a happier and healthier sex life…