How You Can Avoid Acne Playing Havoc With Your Pregnancy


It will take a little time to come back to earth and realize that you have plenty to get through before your baby becomes a reality. There is another life taking shape in your body, and it is going to take its toll in more ways than one. You can expect to go through a number of changes, many of which will not be particularly pleasant. Remember that your life is going to change in several ways, the baby is just one part of it.

You will have to endure pregnancy and all the physical and emotional changes that come with it for nine long months. Through all this time, you are going to have to take care of two people, yourself and the baby that has given you so much joy. No matter how well you think you are prepared, you are in for a few surprises and they may not all be pleasant ones. Like for example acne.

Slow down it is only acne. Acne is one such surprise that may catch you off guard in your present mood, possibly somewhat similar to euphoria. You are probably watching yourself carefully; keen to spot signs of the new you that you feel must surely be evident by now. Should acne worry you all that much? Not really, acne should not be a cause of much worry.

Acne spoiling your party? What you see is probably the last thing that you would expect. Is that a spot right there on your forehead? Look a little closer and you will probably find more. Well, like it or not, you are looking at acne, one of the grim realities of the happy state of pregnancy. Just when you thought had the world at your feet, you come face to face, quite literally, with acne. As if you have not got enough to deal with already.

Acne bring back painful memories? Your mind goes back to your adolescent years and your struggle to get past the acne that troubled you as a teenager. It was certainly a relief to beat your acne problem at the time. Little did you know that acne would haunt you again. But do relax, there is no need to worry, look at all that you have to be happy about.

After all, you did know that having a baby would change your life forever. Now the best thing you can do is to look after yourself so that you have a safe and comfortable pregnancy, with a healthy and happy baby at the end of it.

Keep your spirits up and your acne can wait. Do not let your acne upset you too much. It is a very small part of all the experiences that you are going to have as a mother to be. Much more important is the fact that because you are pregnant, there maybe certain medications etc. that could have harmful effects on your unborn child.

These include estrogen and isotretinoin, both of which can cause birth defects. Other preparations you should avoid are retinoids such as tazarotene, adapalene and tretinoin, often used as skin ointments, particularly if you are planning to breastfeed your baby. Other substances that could have harmful effects are oral tetracycline, minocycline and doxycycline, which have been associated with damaging permanent teeth and retarding healthy bone development. Home remedies may perhaps be the best bet to treat acne and the least harmful way of treating acne

Do not let your acne consume you. Live as normal a life as possible and remember that it is not unusual for acne to develop at any time during your pregnancy. While bathing and washing, it is always better to use a mild soap, which is easy on sensitive skin. Take care to dry your skin gently but thoroughly. Remember that too much cleansing will create new problems by irritating your skin. Make sure you get enough exercise and have a nutritious diet.

As long as you observe these few simple rules, you should be just fine. Do not get too obsessed with your acne, there is no reason why you should not have a normal pregnancy. Take it easy and you will find that acne problem will settle down in due course. Keep smiling!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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