How to Win over Acne


Want to win your own personal battle with pimples? Check this article out.

Acne strikes lots of people all over the world — different races and ages as well.  But when it comes to visit you, that’s a different story.  Then you have to fight your own personal war with acne.

If you have been experiencing an ongoing war against pimples, you need help.  Acne is not only miserable while you’re going through it as a teenager, but it can leave permanent disfiguring scars.  And no one wants pits and crevices covering a face that would otherwise be beautiful or handsome.

For starters you need to know what causes acne so that you can know how to fight it.  In this common disease of the skin pores become blocked up from a combination of oil from the sebaceous glands and dead skin cells.  The oil from the sebaceous glands are supposed to exit through the tiny openings in the skin, but when they don’t do that, infections can grow.  The bacteria from the infection is attacked by the body’s white blood cells.  And the resulting war between the bacteria and the white blood cells results in the formation of pimples.

It will help you to protect yourself from further outbreaks of pimples when you realize that blocked up pores cause the problem.  So one thing you want to avoid is putting — — which will make your pores even more plugged up.  Some girls suffering with pimples try to cover them up with greasy face makeup.  Of course, that makes the acne even worse.

Hormones produced with the arrival of puberty tend to bring on acne, but growing up and becoming an adult doesn’t necessarily make the pimples go away.  Too bad!

The good news is that there are quite a few acne treatment products that can really help you with your acne.  But if the product works very well with one person, it doesn’t necessarily follow it will work well for you.  So you’ll need to experiment with different products to find the right one.

Different acne medicines are designed to do different things, such as unplugging skin pores or drying up pimples.  But some of the products can be so drying that the result can be harmful instead of helpful.  Although that drying effect may really help some people.  There are brands of acne medication that offer a series of benefits for helping acne sufferers.  You need to stick with a certain brand of acne treatment and use it regularly for a period of several weeks to see if it works.  But if it doesn’t work, you should switch to another product.  This may take time and it certainly requires patience because you you want to get rid of your acne as soon as possible.

If you have already developed disfiguring scars from previous battles with pimples, there is good news for you.  There are treatments available now to help smooth out the scars.  Acne laser treatment is a new and effective treatment.  It helps to remove the outer scarred skin so that clear skin underneath the top layer becomes visible.

There are many things you can do other than purchasing products that will help your acne condition.  For example, keep your face extremely clean and eat wholesome foods.  Avoid fatty junk food as much as possible.  Get enough exercise, get your proper rest, and practice other health habits as well.  Be sure to drink plenty of water each day.

Your personal war against acne can be won, but you will have to be persistent and disciplined.  It’s unreasonable to expect a quick fix, but your skin can improve over a period of time if you practice new healthy habits and use an acne product that works for you.  Any effort you give to winning your  war against acne will be worth it when you look in the mirror. 

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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