How To Keep Gestation Diabetes At Bay?

How To Keep Gestation Diabetes At Bay?

Many-a-times diabetes is detected among expecting mothers during the period of their pregnancy. Such cases of diabetes can occur at any time or duration of the pregnancy. But to their despite, this type of diabetes is temporary in nature. And it is referred to as gestation diabetes.

The course of treatment for this kind of diabetes is similar to that of Type II diabetes. These patients are advised to keep check on their weight and remain active during pregnancy, provided there are no other complications alongside. It is most likely that the blood sugar levels that have risen at this stage will be brought under control.

Though such form of diabetes may occur during pregnancy among some women, there are certain groups of mothers who are more likely to be victims of this disease. If there is a family history in the direct line of the mother then the chances of having diabetes of this kind is more. The parents, grandparents and next of kin, like uncles and aunts, siblings are the ones whose health record comes up for scrutiny in this case. Thus , if the mothers grandparents or any of her parents or any of her uncles and aunts who are in her direct blood line are patients of Diabetes I then she is considered as having a family history of diabetes.

Besides the family line of the mother there are other indicators about the likelihood of the occurrence of diabetes in a pregnant mother. If the mother has conceived at a late age, particularly after she is 45 years of age or more, the likelihood of the disease is higher. An otherwise younger person who is obese, and consequently overweight, has the perfect figure to become a prey to this occurrence.

Women bearing babies weighing more than nine pounds should be vigilant about diabetes. If there is high blood pressure during this period or there are high levels of triglycerides, or high blood cholesterol levels in the mothers blood, then chances of having diabetes increase.

As for other forms of diabetes, the way to keep diabetes in check is to follow a controlled lifestyle with appropriate changes thereof. Partaking healthy diet and regular exercise can do wonders for mothers-to-be detected with gestation diabetes.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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