How to Avoid Swimming With The Health Insurance Sharks – The Health Insurance Pyramid Revealed!

How to Avoid Swimming With The Health Insurance Sharks - The Health Insurance Pyramid Revealed!

Health Insurance Salesman can sometimes make it seem like swimming with the sharks is a picnic! You get bombarded with messages on the tv and internet telling you that their particular health insurance company is in fact the secret to all your prayers,ย and that if you go with them you could be hit by 76 different diseases simultaneously and still be covered. Hey. It’s possible that cover exists. I am an optimist after all ๐Ÿ˜‰ But in reality searching for affordable family, individual or group health insurance can be a long drawn out affair. And the three steps of finding, understanding and finally buying your health insurance can be a real challenge. Fortunately, I am here to help. The first step in the health insurance success pyramid is to find the health insurance that you need. A good place to start with this is to get online and start searching on google for all those health insurance terms you hear bandied about in TV ads – eg health insurance, health plans, health insurance companies, medical insurance etc. Then, get out an old fashioned pen and paper, and start making a list of companies that you like the look of (ie that look professional, have been recommended by friends etc). Their telephone numbers, and a list of the different selling points and benefits that they particularly emphasise.

Once you have done that, then pick up the phone and start calling around to the various companies that you have listed. Once you are through to these experts (at least on their own products) then start asking questions. This is now entering the ‘understanding’ phase. You cannot realistically buy anything until you understand what you are buying. And this is as true with health and medical insurance as with anything else. So, take the opportunity when you phone up to ask about terms and conditions, monthly payments, how it would work if you actually became ill, what all the different terminology means, what is covered and what isn’t covered, and also what differentiates their company from the dozens of other companies who are also offering health insurance. Ask the companies representatives flat out. ‘Why should I sign up with you rather then…..? (Fill in the blank from your research). And assess their reply. Once you have done that, then you are now in a good position. You have found out the different companies that sell health insurance in your location. You have phoned up the companies to research their offerings.

So you know what works, and what doesn’t work for you. Lastly, you now just need to buy it! This is where the internet again comes into its own. You can visit any of dozens of websites that will compare rates amongst the different companies. You now know what they are offering, so simply pick the one that offers the best combination of features to price. Swimming with the health insurance sharks can be a tricky business, but if you approach it logically as I have outlined, then you will have a much better chance of arriving safely on the beach with your health intact ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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