Referring to the documented increase in stomach fat and insulin resistance caused by the trans fat diet, Kavanagh stated that “this is walking them straight down the path to diabetes.” Excess weight is accepted as one of the key factors in controlling early Diabetes.
“We were shocked” is the researcher response, after reviewing the results of a 6 year study, testing the impact of fast food ‘killer fats’, commonly known as trans fats, on Vervet monkeys.
Chicago, Illinois October 12, 2006 The study, conducted by the Wake Forest University Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, replicated the typical human consumption of fast foods, cooked in trans or partially hydrogenated oils (PHO).
One group of monkeys was fed a diet of 8% trans fats, 27% good fats, such as olive oil (the representative fat make up and level of a typical human fast food eater).
Another group had the same diet, with safer, mono-unsaturated, or healthy fats, substituted in place of trans fats.
In June, 2006, after seven years of research evaluation, Kyle Kavanagh, a spokesperson for Wake Forest University Medical Center, presented the findings to the American Diabetic Association in Washington D.C.
As reported by NewScientist news service, “Monkeys fed a diet rich in trans-fats, commonly found in fast foods grew bigger bellies than those fed a diet rich in unsaturated fats, but containing the same number of calories. They also developed signs of insulin resistance, an early indicator of diabetes.”
Monkeys on the trans fat diets gained weight equivalent to 7.2% of their body weight. Monkeys in the non-trans fat group gained only 1.8%.
The trans fat monkeys also showed 30% more abdominal fat – a risk factor for diabetes and heart disease.
Referring to the documented increase in stomach fat and insulin resistance caused by the trans fat diet, Kavanagh stated that “this is walking them straight down the path to diabetes.” Excess weight is accepted as one of the key factors in controlling early Diabetes.
Among fast food chains using trans fats are McDonalds, Burger King, Applebees, Krispy Kreme and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Wendy’s has recently removed trans fats from their cooking process. KFC is currently being sued for continued PHO usage.