How Can I Get Rid Of My Eczema?

How Can I Get Rid Of My Eczema

This skin condition has lived with many false stereotypes, including the old tale that if you were to hang around someone with eczema and allow him or her to touch you, you would contract it yourself.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Eczema is the result of conditions that are either internal or environmental and thankfully can be treated, allowing the sufferer to life a normal social life.

How can you treat eczema?  There are many options that are available from chemicals produced in a lab to lifestyle changes.  All of these will allow you to bring this physically and psychologically damaging disease under control.  But which method do you choose?

Well, hydrocortisone has been a popular choice for many years.  This steroid treatment is applied in cream form to the affected areas.  The properties of hydrocortisone are such that it controls the itching and inflammation closely associated with eczema.  However, it should be noted that if you were using hydrocortisone on the same areas for an extended period of time, there would be permanent changes to your skin.  These changes result in a thin papery skin that is easily broken.  Now before you run screaming from your doctor when they suggest you try hydrocortisone, prolonged use that will cause these permanent adverse effects takes place over the period of decades.  If you require temporary treatment, you are most likely not going to experience thin skin.

Sometimes, natural products like chamomile, oat baths and over hypoallergenic moisturizing creams can provide relief.  It should be known that eczema operates in a vicious cycle.  This means that the worse it gets, the worse it gets.  If you can create a break in the cycle by eliminating the itching or dry feel of the infected area, your skin will have time to heal and possibly eliminate the eczema all together.

Evening primrose oil has been an old cure that contains a chemical called gamma linoleic acid.  Gamma linoleic acid has been known to have mild positive effects on inflamed skin.  However, medical science has never proven the effectiveness of this treatment on eczema in formal medical testing and therefore you will not find many physicians who will prescribe it as an answer for your eczema.

Chinese herbal therapy has been shown to be helpful in the eradication of eczema, but again due to the homeopathic nature of this approach, it has never been medically proven as a cure or therapy for eczema.  Although there have been many sufferers of eczema that swear by its positive properties as a necessary treatment in the control of eczema.

Stress is a big contributor to the problem of eczema as stressful situations cause the body to devour important nutrients that are necessary for the upkeep of healthy skin.  If you can manage your stress by either eliminating the environmental stress factors or upping your vitamin B12 intake, you might find the eczema disappearing on its own.

Proper diet is also a consideration.  For instance, the ingestion of carrots, adds important vitamins and nutrients necessary for the repair and maintenance of skin, not to mention the stress reducing qualities of its vitamin content.  However do not get carried away with carrots or over carotene based vegetables.  As overuse with result in you achieving a yellowed pallor, which looks almost as unhealthy as your original eczema.

By following the previous tips on eczema control and elimination, you will find that the problem that kept you in on Saturday night when you should have been out with friends will slowly be a thing of the past.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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