Herbalife health nutrition new breakfast products


Herbalife came out with the ideal breakfast! It is easy to make, tasty and what’s no less important, is healthy. Thinks about all the time you have to spend making yourself a decent breakfast, I’m not even talking about the energy of the very preparation and the time spent thinking about what to make. Herbalife, as usually, makes our life easier.

All you need is nutritional shake mix. You get to choose between four flavors: chocolate, wild berry, tropical fruit and vanilla. The cocktails you make can be standard and simple, but they can also be the fruit of your own imagination and creativity. For example, in order to make the vanilla shake, you need only : 2 big spoons of formula 1 (vanilla flavored powder), 250-500 mm of low cholesterol milk, 1 spoon of honey, ice (if you choose) and shade it all up in a mixer. Seems too easy? In less than five minutes you can present yourself with a nice, healthy drink. It is easy to digest in the morning, yet although the food seems relatively light; it would keep you full for a much longer time than a regular meal would.
The drink is full with vitamins, minerals and healthy herbs. It is a great breakfast that consists only 200 calories. You can add yogurts to the equation; you can chop all kind of fruits, use soya milk – then just throw it all into the mixer, and within a few minutes, a delicious breakfast is ready. Make your life healthier and easier. Now that it is so easy, everyone can do it! You can make a couple of different cocktail so all your family can enjoy something special that would keep you full until lunch. The drink actually contains the vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5 and many more. In short, it contains twice the vitamins serials have. Enjoy your breakfast, it’s not in vain called the most important meal of the day!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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