With a New Year upon us, the annual tradition of forming resolutions of self-improvement is definitely in season. While many articles about New Year’s resolutions focus on things like careers, education or relationships, this article discusses your hearing health and what you can do to make it better.
For those of you don’t give your hearing any thought, because you can hear just fine, make the resolution to have your hearing tested. In most cases, hearing loss is gradual, so you may not notice that you have hearing impairment until it becomes profound. A hearing test will give you peace of mind for the coming year. If your hearing is healthy, you won’t have anything to worry about. On the other hand, if you have developed some hearing impairment, you’ll be glad it was diagnosed early.
There may be some readers out there who know they are hard of hearing, but have done nothing about it. Fear, or a sense of loss could be holding you back from enjoying life to the fullest. Today’s hearing aids possess advanced technology that can improve your hearing and your lifestyle. Best of all, they’re smaller than ever. Some “completely in the ear canal” (CIC) models are virtually invisible. Resolve to overcome your fears about your hearing loss and schedule a consultation with a qualified hearing aid dispenser in your area. Once you face your fears and overcome, you’ll be glad you made this resolution.
Others reading this article may own hearing aids, but don’t wear them. Or you may know someone like that. If this is your situation, resolve to find out why.
Are your hearing aids uncomfortable?
Do they not provide noticeable amplification?
Are you concerned about what other people think?
Do you think a hearing aid is a sign of advancing age?
Whatever the reason is you don’t wear your hearing aid, it needs to be addressed this year. There could be many reasons for these problems and a qualified hearing aid dispenser can address all of these questions. This year resolve to improve your hearing health.
Hearing is something many of us take for granted. Get your hearing tested or resolve your hearing health issues. This year, put your hearing health at the top of the New Year’s resolution list!Hearing Aid Match