Headaches Defined and Treatments that Actually Work


Tension and allergy related headaches. When you feel pressure in your sinus areas or if you feel pressure around the top part of your head this is what you are experiencing. They are usually a dull bothersome ache that feels like a weight hanging from that area. They also tend to slow your reactions and make you lethargic. They can last from a few hours to a few days.

Allergy headaches are usually associated with sneezing, stuffy nose, and can drain from one side to the other. Treatment for these headaches is similar – acetaminophnen (ibuprofen) usually works to reduce the severity of this headache. Also, Claritin works well for alergy related symptoms. For more severe tension headaches doctors have been known to use oxygen machines and a few injectable drugs that give a more immediate effect.

Migraines. These can be quite serious and are by far the most painful. They feel like a burst blood vessel or artery as they have a pulsing feel to them. They can be so painful that they can make you sick to your stomach (nausea), cause light sensativity and even virtigo. Migraines are quite prevalent and can also indicate something more severe like a brain tumor, a weakened blood vessel, abnormal changes in blood pressure and pH, etc… Repeated patterns of migraines or other headaches should be brought to the attention of your doctor for this reason. Your body many times will tell you when something is wrong and a abnormal or irregular headache or bodyache that has become chronic is a good indication that something may be off. It may be as simple as a hormonal imbalance, new stress, etc… Regardless, your doctor knows best and it should be brought to their attention. There are over the counter products that contain pain relievers and caffeine that may work. Doctors usually prescribe beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and other various narcotics.

Cluster or frontal headaches. These tend to be due to stress and the work environment usually. Glare from your computer monitor, strain from wearing the wrong prescription or incorrect and outdated prescription corrective lenses. I can’t stress this enough. Once a year, every year, go and get a routine eye exam. Your eyes will be healthier and you will be glad you did. These headaches tend to have a very sharp, stabbing pain. They tend to occur more often in males and are shortest in duration. Usually over the counter medicines are very helpful with these headaches. For more severe forms doctors will prescribe narcotics and similar.

These are the main types of headaches and treatments for them. Many doctors have lately found mental relaxation techniques like Yoga to be quite helpful in reducing and preventing headaches. This article is for information purposes only. For correct dignosis and medical advice you should seek the appropriately trained physician as they can best test, evaluate and recommend a course of treatment for you. If you experience irregular, sharp and severe headaches that are new, get to a doctor or hospital right away as it could be an indication of or a precursor of a stroke, aneurysm, or other medical emergency.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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