Hair Loss Causes: Hormonal Imbalance In Men And Women


Hair loss due to hormonal imbalance is predominantly meant for males. Male hormone or testosterone paves the way for Dihydroxy testosterone formation that adversely affects hair follicular function and disrupts hair regeneration cycle. This in turn results in hair fall. As for women, this type of hair loss happens to be of less severe kind. Most often they experience it during pregnancy and menopause.

Hair loss is a widespread problem among the middle aged Americans, specifically among the men. Well, falling hair among men could result in complete baldness. As for women, their hair follicle show resilience and most often they are able to re-grow them on their scalp.

Your dermatologist would iterate on different possible reasons for hair loss when you consult him to curb your hair loss problem. Although many a times, doctors themselves fail to identify the possible reason behind the hair loss. And one such hard to identify reason for hair loss among men as well as women is hormonal abnormalities. You suffer from this type of hair loss but you are hardly aware of it.

This type of hair loss is predominantly meant for males. Male hormone or testosterone paves the way for Dihydroxy testosterone formation that adversely affects hair follicular function and disrupts hair regeneration cycle. This in turn results in hair fall. Hyper secretion of this hormone makes your scalp incapable of keeping existing hair firm onto itself. And ultimately it adds to your misery by causing complete hair loss or baldness.

Even a good number of women fall prey to this type of hair loss but their hair loss happens to be of less severe kind. Most often they experience it during pregnancy. Some women have been found with falling hairs after menopause. As menopause brings great hormonal changes in the womans body, it affects her whole physiology and body functions. And of course hairs also get affected!

Post pregnancy hair fall is also due to hormonal imbalance. But this problem is short lived in women and once the hormone level returns back to normalcy hair follicles resume their task with same efficiency helping re-growth of hair.

Female hormonal hair loss could be effectively remedied with even some of the non prescription medications but men should take care in taking medications to combat excess secretion of DHT that causes hair fall. It is always safe for men to seek help of dermatologist and use prescribed ways to nullify effect of DHT.

Certain medications affect hormones and give way to hyper secretion of hormones. It also happens to be a cause of hair loss. Chemotherapy medicines have been identified with its influence on hormones as well. Such hair loss could be treated by stopping the use of medication if possible. Other wise you will have to wait till you are through with the period of medication.

These are the ways your hormones afflict you with hair loss. So keep track of your hormonal balance to save your hair.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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