Female hair loss occurs in more than one pattern. The most common type of hair loss seen in women is androgenetic alopecia, also known as female pattern alopecia. Some of the most common of these causes are trichotillomania , telogen effluvium , scarring alopecia and alopecia areata.only about 20 per cent of women between 18 and 45 have moderate regrowth using the drug, while another 40 per cent experience minimal regrowth. Triangular alopecia— loss of hair in the temporal areas that sometimes begins in childhood. Hair loss may be complete, or a few fine, thin-diameter hairs may remain. The cause of triangular alopecia is not known, but the condition can be treated medically or surgically. A woman also usually feels she must have a full head of hair to meet societal expectations.
Some causes of temporary hair loss-such as hormonal changes during pregnancy-will resolve spontaneously. Thinning hair is acceptable only when a woman is very old. In the United States, at least, there has been a general belief that thinning hair and baldness is a “male thing. Medical treatments for hair loss are largely directed at male androgenetic alopecia. Women’s pattern of hair loss is different to the typical receding hairline and crown loss in men. Photo chemotherapy is used for psoriasis. It has helped about half those treated, but requires special equipment and treatment two to three times a week.
Corticoid steroids anti-inflammatory drugs that help to suppress the immune system. Nonsurgical hair loss treatment options for more information). A surgical treatment for female androgenetic alopecia may occasionally be combined with minoxidil. Sulfasalazin sulfa drug is used to treat autoimmune disorders. Minoxidil 5%( brand name of Rogaine) promotes hair growth in several conditions in which the hair follicles are small and not growing to their full potential. It needs to be used on a daily basis. Topical sensitizers: These, when applied to the scalp, cause an allergic reaction that leads to itching and scaling, but also stimulate the hair follicles and can cause hair growth. Again, results are only seen after long-term use, usually three to twelve months.
Female Hair Loss Treatment Tips:
1. Corticoid steroids are cortisone types of anti-inflammatory drugs that help to suppress the immune system.
2. Minoxidil promotes hair growth in several conditions in which the hair follicles are small and not growing to their full potential.
3. Anthralin (Psoriatic) is a tar like substance that is used to treat psoriasis; it changes the immune function in the affected skin.
4. Sulfasalazin sulfa drug is used to treat autoimmune disorders.
5. Topical sensitizers when applied to the scalp, cause an allergic reaction that leads to itching and scaling.
6. Photo chemotherapy:is used for psoriasis.